如何在 F# 语言中使用输入模式执行特定功能
How to execute specific functions with input pattern in F# language
我对 F# 有点陌生,正在尝试一个简单的计算器应用程序。我从用户那里获取输入,我希望根据输入执行特定的功能。
现在,每当我接受用户的任何输入时,程序都会从上到下执行。我希望它只执行与输入匹配的特定功能。就像如果输入是 6 那么应该执行 scientificFun() 的主体。现在它执行所有功能。请帮忙,我有点卡在这个问题上了!
open System
let mutable ok = true
while ok do
Console.WriteLine("Choose a operation:\n1.Addition\n2.Substraction\n3.Multiplication\n4.Division\n5.Modulo\n6.Scientific")
let input= Console.ReadLine()
let add =
Console.WriteLine("Ok, how many numbers?")
let mutable count = int32(Console.ReadLine())
let numberArray = Array.create count 0.0
for i in 0 .. numberArray.Length - 1 do
let no = float(Console.ReadLine())
Array.set numberArray i no
Array.sum numberArray
let sub x y = x - y
let mul x y = x * y
let div x y = x / y
let MOD x y = x % y
let scientificFun() =
printfn("1. Exponential")
match input with
| "1" -> printfn("The Result is: %f") (add)
| "6" -> (scientificFun())
| _-> printfn("Choose between 1 and 6")
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to use the calculator again? y/n")
let ans = Console.ReadLine()
if ans = "n" then
ok <- false
else Console.Clear()
您应该将 add
定义为函数:let add() =
或 let add inputNumbers =
open System
let main argv =
// define your functions
let hellofun() =
printfn "%A" "hello"
let worldfun() =
printfn "%A" "world"
let mutable cont = true
let run() = // set up the while loop
while cont do
printfn "%A" "\nChoose an operation:\n 1 hellofunc\n 2 worldfunc\n 3 exit"
let input = Console.ReadLine() // get the input
match input with // pattern match on the input to call the correct function
| "1" -> hellofun()
| "2" -> worldfun()
| "3" -> cont <- false;()
| _ -> failwith "Unknown input"
run() // kick-off the loop
[<EntryPoint>] let main argv =
只有在编译时才需要。否则只执行 run()
我对 F# 有点陌生,正在尝试一个简单的计算器应用程序。我从用户那里获取输入,我希望根据输入执行特定的功能。 现在,每当我接受用户的任何输入时,程序都会从上到下执行。我希望它只执行与输入匹配的特定功能。就像如果输入是 6 那么应该执行 scientificFun() 的主体。现在它执行所有功能。请帮忙,我有点卡在这个问题上了! 密码是
open System
let mutable ok = true
while ok do
Console.WriteLine("Choose a operation:\n1.Addition\n2.Substraction\n3.Multiplication\n4.Division\n5.Modulo\n6.Scientific")
let input= Console.ReadLine()
let add =
Console.WriteLine("Ok, how many numbers?")
let mutable count = int32(Console.ReadLine())
let numberArray = Array.create count 0.0
for i in 0 .. numberArray.Length - 1 do
let no = float(Console.ReadLine())
Array.set numberArray i no
Array.sum numberArray
let sub x y = x - y
let mul x y = x * y
let div x y = x / y
let MOD x y = x % y
let scientificFun() =
printfn("1. Exponential")
match input with
| "1" -> printfn("The Result is: %f") (add)
| "6" -> (scientificFun())
| _-> printfn("Choose between 1 and 6")
Console.WriteLine("Would you like to use the calculator again? y/n")
let ans = Console.ReadLine()
if ans = "n" then
ok <- false
else Console.Clear()
您应该将 add
定义为函数:let add() =
或 let add inputNumbers =
open System
let main argv =
// define your functions
let hellofun() =
printfn "%A" "hello"
let worldfun() =
printfn "%A" "world"
let mutable cont = true
let run() = // set up the while loop
while cont do
printfn "%A" "\nChoose an operation:\n 1 hellofunc\n 2 worldfunc\n 3 exit"
let input = Console.ReadLine() // get the input
match input with // pattern match on the input to call the correct function
| "1" -> hellofun()
| "2" -> worldfun()
| "3" -> cont <- false;()
| _ -> failwith "Unknown input"
run() // kick-off the loop
[<EntryPoint>] let main argv =
只有在编译时才需要。否则只执行 run()