部署到 cloudhub 的 Maven 脚本

Maven script to deploy to cloudhub

我正在按照此文档将 mule 应用程序部署到 cloudhub --> https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-user-guide/v/3.8/mule-maven-plugin

当我 运行 "mvn package deploy" 时,出现以下错误:

[ERROR] 无法执行目标 org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy (default-deploy) on project myapplication: Deployment failed: repository element was not在 distributionManagement 元素内的 POM 或 -DaltDeploymentRepository=id::layout::url 参数 -> [Help 1]



<name>Mule myapplication Application</name>

    <!-- This is the domain where the app will be 
    deployed: i.e. mydomain.cloudhub.io -->

      <!-- <configuration>
        </configuration> -->
             <!-- <businessGroup>engineering\devops</businessGroup> -->
            <!-- One of: server, serverGroup, cluster -->
    <!-- <plugin>
        </plugin> -->

<!-- Mule Dependencies -->
    <!-- Xml configuration -->
    <!-- Xml configuration -->
    <!-- Mule Transports -->
    <!-- Mule Modules -->
    <!-- for testing -->
    <!-- <dependency>
    </dependency> -->
<!-- <dependency>
    </dependency> -->
<!-- <dependency>
    </dependency> -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->

        <name>MuleSoft Releases Repository</name>
        <name>mulesoft release repository</name>


[INFO] --- mule-app-maven-plugin:1.2:install (default-install) @myapplication ---[WARNING] MULE_HOME 未设置,不是复制 myapplication-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip



根据plugin documentation

This will also trigger the default deploy goal of the maven-deploy-plugin. If you are not deploying to a Maven repository as part of your build, you can prevent the plugin execution by using:


关于另一条消息,这是 mule-app-maven-plugin 的一项功能,它允许您将生成的工件复制到本地 Mule 服务器。如果您使用 mule-maven-plugin 部署您的应用程序,则不必担心。