
Generate state based on values of struct member function


struct status{
     * @brief busy
     * true =  Currently handling a message in manual mode
     * false = Not handling 
    bool busy;
     * @brief speed
     * Variable containing the current speed 
     * Speed possibilities [FAST;MEDIUM;SLOW]
    int speed;
     * @brief powered
     * A boolean determining whether it is powered or not.
     * true = ON
     * false = OFF
    bool powered;
     * @brief direction
     * A boolean determing the direction 
     * true = FORWARD
     * false = BACKWARDS
    bool direction;




您可以使用位集 std::bitset 或无符号数字类型) 来表示您的独特状态。


  • 1 位用于 busy
  • 1 位用于 powered
  • 1 位用于 direction
  • 2 位用于 speed

总共需要 5 位来表示所有可能的组合。


auto status::hash() const noexcept
    std::bitset<5> b;
    b |= speed; // assumes only the last two bits in `speed` are used
    b.set(4, busy);
    b.set(3, powered);
    b.set(2, direction);
    return b;

wandbox example

不如 std::bitset,但您可以使用位字段将整个结构存储在单个字节中:

struct status {
    status(Busy busy, Speed speed, Powered powered, Direction direction)
        : busy{busy}, speed{speed}, powered{powered}, direction{direction}, pad{0} {};

    Busy busy : 1;
    Speed speed : 2;
    Powered powered : 1;
    Direction direction : 1;
    unsigned char pad : 3; // pad to 8 bits


#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>

#define ENUM_MACRO3(name, v1, v2, v3)\
    enum class name : unsigned char { v1, v2, v3};\
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, name var) {\
        switch (var){\
            case name::v1: return os << #v1;\
            case name::v2: return os << #v2;\
            case name::v3: return os << #v3;\
        return os;\

#define ENUM_MACRO2(name, v1, v2)\
    enum class name : unsigned char { v1, v2};\
    std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, name var) {\
        switch (var){\
            case name::v1: return os << #v1;\
            case name::v2: return os << #v2;\
        return os;\

ENUM_MACRO3(Speed, fast, medium, slow)
ENUM_MACRO2(Busy, handling, not_handling)
ENUM_MACRO2(Powered, on, off)
ENUM_MACRO2(Direction, forwards, backwards)

struct status {
    status(Busy busy, Speed speed, Powered powered, Direction direction)
        : busy{busy}, speed{speed}, powered{powered}, direction{direction}, pad{0} {};

    Busy busy : 1;
    Speed speed : 2;
    Powered powered : 1;
    Direction direction : 1;
    unsigned char pad : 3; // pad to 8 bits

int main()
    status s{Busy::not_handling,Speed::slow,Powered::off,Direction::backwards};

    std::cout << "Data has size of " << sizeof(status) << '\n';
    std::cout << "busy :" << s.busy << '\n';
    std::cout << "speed :" << s.speed << '\n';
    std::cout << "powered :" << s.powered << '\n';
    std::cout << "direction :" << s.direction << '\n';

    unsigned char val = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char&>(s);
    unsigned int num{val};
    std::cout << num << '\n';
    std::bitset<8> bs{num};
    std::cout << bs << '\n';
    return 0;


Data has size of 1
busy :not_handling
speed :slow
powered :off
direction :backwards


  • Bit fields 不可移植。另一个实现可能:
    • 使用多于一个字节。
    • 反转位。
    • 引入填充以不同方式对齐位。
  • 上面的程序打破了strict aliasing rule
    • 因此,最好通过以安全的方式直接设置位来使用 std::bitset 生成散列。
  • 位域较慢。