是否可以使用 Spring Boot https 端点创建自定义 Alexa 技能

Is it possible to create a custom Alexa skill with Spring Boot https endpoint

我想在不使用 Lambda 的情况下创建自定义 Alexa 技能。因此,我已将 Spring Boot 应用程序部署到 AWS EC2 实例,设置 SSL 证书,并通过使用 Postman 调用它来测试该服务是否正常运行。

然后我将 Alexa 技能设置为 "https" 端点。当我在 developer.amazon.com 上使用测试表格时,我只是返回:

The remote endpoint could not be called, or the response it returned was invalid.

当我直接使用 Postman 调用服务时,我得到:

  "version": "1.0",
  "response": {
    "outputSpeech": {
      "type": "PlainText",
      "id": null,
      "text": "Hello, World.  I am a Spring Boot custom skill."
    "card": {
      "type": "Simple",
      "title": "HelloWorld",
      "content": "Hello, World.  I am a Spring Boot custom skill."
    "reprompt": null,
    "shouldEndSession": true
  "sessionAttributes": null

我的控制器使用 Alexa Skill Set SDK。这是代码:

public class AlexaController  {

    public ResponseEntity<SpeechletResponseEnvelope> alexa(Model model) {

        String speechText = "Hello, World.  I am a Spring Boot custom skill.";

        SimpleCard card = new SimpleCard();

        PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();

        SpeechletResponse response = SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech, card);

        SpeechletResponseEnvelope envelope = new SpeechletResponseEnvelope();

        return new ResponseEntity<SpeechletResponseEnvelope>(envelope, HttpStatus.OK);

所以,我放弃了上面的内容,而是使用 Spring 的 ServletRegistrationBean class.

注册了一个自定义 servlet
public class AlexaConfig {

    private MyCustomSpeechlet mySpeechlet;

    public ServletRegistrationBean registerServlet() {

        SpeechletServlet speechletServlet = new SpeechletServlet();

        ServletRegistrationBean servletRegistrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean(speechletServlet, "/alexa");
        return servletRegistrationBean;     

我的自定义 Servlet 扩展了 Alexa Skill Kit class Speechlet。

public class MyCustomSpeechlet implements Speechlet {

    public void onSessionStarted(SessionStartedRequest request, Session session) throws SpeechletException {    

    public SpeechletResponse onLaunch(LaunchRequest request, Session session) throws SpeechletException {

    public SpeechletResponse onIntent(IntentRequest request, Session session) throws SpeechletException {

        Intent intent = request.getIntent();
        if (intent == null)
            throw new SpeechletException("Unrecognized intent");

        String intentName = intent.getName();       

        if ( intentName.equals("TerriblyInterestingIntent") ) {

            String speechText = "Hello, World.  I am a Spring Boot custom skill.";

            SimpleCard card = new SimpleCard();
            card.setTitle("Hello World");

            PlainTextOutputSpeech speech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();

            SpeechletResponse response = SpeechletResponse.newTellResponse(speech, card);
            return response;
        else {
            throw new SpeechletException("I don't understand that intent.");

    public void onSessionEnded(SessionEndedRequest request, Session session) throws SpeechletException {

