JavaFX 场景构建器 table 不会使用 Java 数据库填充

JavaFX Scene builder table wont fill up using Java DB

我一直在努力弄清楚如何让列表显示在我的 table 视图中。因为输出是我的列表,它很棒,但我可以在通过场景生成器制作的 table 中看到它。 table 具有相同的 fx:id,所以不是这样。数据显示正常并且正在编译,但 table.

public class FXMLDocument_PopulationDatabase_AllieBeckmanController implements Initializable {

private ChoiceBox GetBox;
private ChoiceBox SortBox;
private TableView CityTable;

private TableColumn COne;
private TableColumn CTwo;

private final ObservableList dta = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {

    // TODO
        // call the driver used to connect to the database

        // connect to the city data base
        Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/CityDB;create=true", "AllieBeckman", "1122");

        // create a statement used to sort through the data in the database
        Statement stmt = c.createStatement();

        // create a result that will be used to get the data and translate it into variables
        ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM city");

        // get number of columns
        ResultSetMetaData rsmd = result.getMetaData();

        // continue sorting through and translating data until there are no more rows of data
        while ({
            // the 25 and 10 stand for two columns each is translated int its respective data type using
            // the result set
            System.out.println(result.getString("cityname") + result.getDouble("population"));

            // adds one column



        // close the connection
    }catch(Exception e){




Executing C:\Users\Allie\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PopulationDatabase_AllieBeckman\dist\run1111906738\PopulationDatabase_AllieBeckman.jar using platform C:\Users\Allie\Desktop\Programs_and_Components\jdk1.8.0_101\jre/bin/java
New York                                          8.5505405E7
Los Angeles                                       3971883.0
Chicago                                           2720546.0
Huston                                            2296224.0
Philladelphia                                     1567442.0
Phoenix                                           1563025.0
San Antonio                                       1469845.0
San Diego                                         1394928.0
Dallas                                            1300092.0
San Jose                                          1026908.0
Austin                                            931830.0
Jacksonville                                      868031.0
San Francisco                                     864816.0
Indianapolis                                      853173.0
Columbus                                          850106.0
Fort Worth                                        833319.0
Charlotte                                         827097.0
Seattle                                           684451.0
Denver                                            682545.0
El Paso                                           681124.0
[New York                                          , Los Angeles                                       , Chicago                                           , Huston                                            , Philladelphia                                     , Phoenix                                           , San Antonio                                       , San Diego                                         , Dallas                                            , San Jose                                          , Austin                                            , Jacksonville                                      , San Francisco                                     , Indianapolis                                      , Columbus                                          , Fort Worth                                        , Charlotte                                         , Seattle                                           , Denver                                            , El Paso                                           ]
Deleting directory C:\Users\Allie\Documents\NetBeansProjects\PopulationDatabase_AllieBeckman\dist\run1111906738

感谢 INFOSYS link 它帮助我进行了这些更改并找到了我的答案 (

我通过更改 FXML 文件中的一些内容来修复连接,并在代码中添加了一些新行,为了清楚起见我注释了这些代码。我还需要一个 class 用于我没有意识到的对象,现在它可以完美地从我创建的数据库中读取。


public class FXMLDocument_PopulationDatabase_AllieBeckmanController implements Initializable {

// connect the TableView from the xml file
private TableView<City> CityTable;

// connect the table columns from the xml file
private TableColumn<City, String> CityName;
private TableColumn<City, String> Population;

// create an observable list to fill with data from DB and populate TableView
private final ObservableList<City> dta = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
        // call the driver used to connect to the database

        // connect to the city data base
        Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/CityDB;create=true", "AllieBeckman", "1122");

        // create a statement used to sort through the data in the database
        Statement stmt = c.createStatement();

        // create a result that will be used to get the data and translate it into variables
        ResultSet result = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM city");

        // continue sorting through and translating data until there are no more rows of data
        while ({

            // print each line of data to check if it's right
            System.out.println(result.getString("cityname") + result.getDouble("population"));

            // make a new city object with each row in the database CityDB
            City cty = new City(result.getString("cityname"), "" + result.getDouble("population"));

            // add the new city object to the observable list

        // print the observable list to make sure it's full

        // assign the columns in your tableview to the proper data in the city object
       CityName.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().cityname);
       Population.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().population);

        // populate the tableview with the observable list

        // close the connection

    }catch(Exception e){

这是连接它所必需的 FXML 代码,我错过了大部分。

// I was forgetting to add the fx:id here (citytable)
<TableView fx:id="CityTable" layoutX="39.0" layoutY="64.0" prefHeight="200.0 prefWidth="200.0">
// I was forgetting to add the fx:id here for the columns
    <TableColumn prefWidth="75.0" text="City" fx:id="CityName" />
    <TableColumn prefWidth="75.0" text="Population" fx:id="Population" />
    <FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList" />

新的class 使数据库值有意义


* Model class for a City.
public class City {

public final SimpleStringProperty cityname;
public final SimpleStringProperty population;

 * Default constructor.
public City() {
    this(null, null);

 * Constructor with some initial data.
 * @param cityname
 * @param population
public City(String cityname, String population) {
    this.cityname = new SimpleStringProperty(cityname);
    this.population = new SimpleStringProperty(population);

public String getCityName() {
    return cityname.get();

public void setCityName(String cityname) {

public StringProperty cityNameProperty() {
    return cityname;

public String getPopulation() {
    return population.get();

public void setPopulation(String population) {

public StringProperty populationProperty() {
    return population;