
Autofixture for a List of Object that has a protected constructor and a factory method

public partial class TestObjectCode
    /// <summary>
    /// We don't make constructor public and forcing to create object using
    /// <see cref="Create"/> method.
    /// But constructor can not be private since it's used by EntityFramework.
    /// Thats why we did it protected.
    /// </summary>
    protected TestObjectCode() {}

    public static  TestObjectCode Create(
                    DateTime executiontime,
                    Int32 conditionid,
                    String conditionname)
        var @objectToReturn = new TestObjectCode

            ExecutionTime = executiontime,
            ConditionId = conditionid,
            ConditionName = conditionname

        return @objectToReturn;

    public virtual Int32 ConditionId { get; set; }

    public virtual String ConditionName { get; set; }

    public virtual DateTime ExecutionTime { get; set; }


[TestCase("1/1/2015", "07/5/2016")]
public void Task Should_Filter_By_Date_Range_Only(string startDate, string endDate)
    var startDateTime = DateTime.Parse(startDate);
    var endDateTime = DateTime.Parse(endDate);

    //get randomDate between two Dates
    TimeSpan timeSpan = endDateTime - startDateTime;
    var randomTest = new Random();
    TimeSpan newSpan = new TimeSpan(0, randomTest.Next(0, (int)timeSpan.TotalMinutes), 0);
    DateTime newDate = startDateTime + newSpan;

    var list = new List<TestObjectCode>();
        c => c
        .With(x => x.ExecutionTime, newDate)
        .With(x => x.ConditionId, 1)
    _fixture.RepeatCount = 7;

由于 _fixture.Customize 和我的 ctor 被保护,上述测试失败。如果我让它 public 它有效,但我想让它受到保护。 class 还有 15 个我没有在这里列出的属性。我还想要列表中每个项目的两个 dateRanges 之间的 randmon 日期。

如何调用工厂的 Create 方法?我需要为每个 属性 定义 autoFixure 吗?

Ploeh.AutoFixture.ObjectCreationException : The decorated ISpecimenBuilder could not create a specimen based on the request: EMR.Entities.AbpAuditLogs. This can happen if the request represents an interface or abstract class; if this is the case, register an ISpecimenBuilder that can create specimens based on the request. If this happens in a strongly typed Build expression, try supplying a factory using one of the IFactoryComposer methods.

您可以通过将 .FromFactory(new MethodInvoker(new FactoryMethodQuery())) 添加到您的自定义来使上述测试通过:

    c => c
    .FromFactory(new MethodInvoker(new FactoryMethodQuery()))
    .With(x => x.ExecutionTime, newDate)
    .With(x => x.ConditionId, 1));

这两个 类 都在 Ploeh.AutoFixture.Kernel 命名空间中定义。
