属性 return 几个值

property return sevral value


Public Class Class1
            ReadOnly Property Ca As New Class2
End Class

Public Class Class2

        ReadOnly Property getass(q As Integer, ww As String) As Integer
                Codes that return q And ww

            End Get

        End Property
End Class

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim a As New Class1
        Dim ret As Integer
        Dim qq As Integer = Nothing
        Dim qqq As String = Nothing
        ret = a.Ca.getass(qq, qqq)
    End Sub
End Class

我终于想要得到 qq=q 和 qqq=ww... 谢谢

您不想为此目的使用 属性。

相反,只需声明一个 Sub 来修改传递的参数,如下所示:

Public Class Class2
    Sub getass(ByRef q As Integer, ByRef ww As String)
        Dim _q as Integer
        Dim _w as String

        'do whatever you want 
        'then assign the final values and end sub
        q = _q
        ww = _ww
    End Sub
End Class

然后像这样使用 sub:

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim a As New Class1
        Dim qq As Integer = Nothing
        Dim qqq As String = Nothing
        a.Ca.getass(qq, qqq)
        'At this point your local qq and qqq will have the value setted by the getass Sub
    End Sub
End Class

请注意,对于您拥有学生 ID 和姓名的最终意图,这不是一个好的设计模式。

考虑用你想要的所有属性创建一个 Class "Student" 并制作 Class2(我可以假设是教室或类似的东西)return "Student" 对象。

或者您可以使用 KeyValuePair 结构

编辑: 如果您仍想通过界面执行此操作,请尝试以下操作:

Public Class Class2
    Public ReadOnly Property getass(ByRef q As Integer, ByRef ww As String) as Integer
        Dim _q as Integer
        Dim _w as String

        'do whatever you want 
        'then assign the final values and end sub
        q = _q
        ww = _ww

        return ID 'ID is what you want (Integer)
      End Get
    End Property
End Class