XML in to a PHP 不显示数组

XML in to a PHP does not display an array

我需要显示文件 XML (https://pogoda.yandex.ru/static/cities.xml) 中数据的数组 PHP。我想要数组中的所有 "id"。帮我找出错误。谢谢

 $xml_city = simplexml_load_file($data_file_city); 

  foreach($xml_city->country as $key=>$value){
    foreach ($value->city as $key1=>$value1) {
      $id = array("$value1[country]");
        echo $id;

foreach 中的每个 $value1 都是具有属性的 SimpleXMLElement 对象。

要获取此类对象的属性,请使用 attributes 函数:

$ids = array();
$countries = array();
foreach($xml_city->country as $key=>$value){
    foreach ($value->city as $key1=>$value1) { 
        $attrs = $value1->attributes();

        // Use `strval` function to cast attribute value to `string` type

        // get `id` attribute 
        $id = strval($attrs['id']);

        // get `country` attribute
        $country = strval($attrs['country']);

        echo $id, '<br />', $country;

        // add to array
        $ids[] = $id;
        $countries[] = $country;