CodePush - 发布 iOS 捆绑包中断 Android,反之亦然

CodePush - Releasing an iOS bundle breaks Android and vice versa

使用 react-native-code-push.

每当我发布 iOS 版本(使用 code-push release-react ... ios)时,它会中断我的 Android 代码推送。下次我尝试获取更新时,我收到以下错误:

You attempted to set the key isPending with the value true on an object that is meant to be immutable and has been frozen.

然后,如果我发布 Android 版本,它会破坏我的 iOS,出现此错误:

Update is invalid - A JS bundle file named "main.jsbundle" could not be found within the downloaded contents. Please ensure that your app is syncing with the correct deployment and that you are releasing your CodePush updates using the exact same JS bundle file name that was shipped with your app's binary.



code-push app add [name]-ios

code-push app add [name]-android

我认为 code-push release-react [app-name] [platform] ... 平台参数只告诉 react-native bundler 使用什么入口文件(index.ios.js 或它不起作用 "install only on ios"