有没有办法知道 Akka actor 的上下文?

Is there a way to know the context of an Akka actor?


def step2: Receive = {
  case _ => log error "Unhandled message"

def step1: Receive = {
  case _ => log error "Unhandled message"

有没有办法知道actor当前处于哪个状态(step1,step2)? (我可以将价值储存在 string 上,但我想知道是否有更好的方法。)



您可以使用 FSMstateName 给出州名。

使用在每个状态处理的一些特殊消息 Ping Actor 以发送 stateName。

sealed trait ExampleState
case object State1 extends ExampleState
case object State2 extends ExampleState
case object C extends ExampleState

import akka.actor.{Actor, FSM}
import akka.event.EventHandler
import akka.util.duration._

case object Move

class ABC extends Actor with FSM[ExampleState, Unit] {

  import FSM._

  startWith(State1, Unit)

  when(State1) {
    case Ev(Move) =>
      EventHandler.info(this, "Go to B and move on after 5 seconds")
      goto(state2) forMax (5 seconds)

  when(State2) {
    case Ev(StateTimeout) =>
      EventHandler.info(this, "Moving to C")

  when(C) {
    case Ev(Move) =>
      EventHandler.info(this, "Stopping")

  initialize // this checks validity of the initial state and sets up timeout if needed

Hacky 解决方案

Akka Actor 不存储有关 PartialFunction 的任何特定信息。所以我认为不会有现成的 akka lib 函数。

state 放入 actor 中,然后在 Actor 尝试变成某物时更新状态。

class FooBar extends Actor with ActorLogging {

  var state: Option[String] = Some("receive")

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case _ => context become state1()

  def state1: () => Receive = {
    () => {

      state = Some("state1")

        case _ => log error "ignore"

  def state2: () => Receive = {
    () => {

      state = Some("state2")

        case _ => log error "ignore"
