在 sql 服务器 2008 中查找具有相同 ID 且开始和结束日期不同的员工每月两个日期之间的天数差异

Find the days difference between two dates per month for employee with same id and different start and end date in sql server 2008

我有一个 table EmployeeProject 三列 empid, startdate , enddate.

我想获取每个月两个具有相同 empid 和不同 startdateenddate 的日期之间的天数。

Empid | Startdate | Enddate  |
1     | 20160115  | 20160330 |
1     | 20160101  | 20161231 |
2     | 20161001  | 20161031 |
2     | 20161215  | 20170131 |


Empid | StartDate | Enddate  | Monthname | Days |
1     | 20160115  | 20160330 | Jan       | 15   |
1     | 20160115  | 20160330 | Feb       | 29   |
1     | 20160115  | 20160325 | Mar       | 25   |
1     | 20160101  | 20161229 | Jan       | 31   |
1     | 20160101  | 20161231 | Feb       | 29   |
2     | 20161001  | 20161031 | Oct       | 31   |
2     | 20161215  | 20170131 | Dec       | 15   |
2     | 20161215  | 20170131 | Jan       | 31   |

检查一下,看看这是否是您需要的(更改 MyTable)

with        cte (Empid,Startdate,Enddate,month_offset,n) as 
                select      t.Empid,t.Startdate,t.Enddate,datediff(month,t.Startdate,t.Enddate),1
                from        MyTable

                union all

                select      Empid,Startdate,Enddate,month_offset-1,n+1
                from        cte
                where       month_offset > 0

select      Empid,Startdate,Enddate
           ,left(datename(month,dateadd(month,month_offset,Startdate)),3)   as Monthname 

               ,case month_offset when 0 then Startdate else dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,Startdate)+month_offset,0) end
               ,case n when 1 then Enddate else dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,Startdate)+month_offset+1,0) end
            )   as days

from        cte

order by    Empid,Startdate,Enddate
           ,case month_offset when 0 then Startdate else dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,Startdate)+month_offset,0) end