Php 代码显示偏移错误

Php code shows offset error

我是 smarty php 模板系统的初学者,我正在阅读一本书 Smarty PHP Template Programming。第 2 章的第一个示例如下。

在根文件夹中,我们有一个名为 data.txt 的文件,其中包含以下信息。

Title=> Building Websites with VB.NET and DotNetNuke 3.0 
Image=> 1904811272.jpg 
Author=> Daniel N. Egan 
Description=> A practical guide to creating and maintaining your own website with DotNetNuke, the free, open source evolution of Microsoft's IBuySpy Portal 
Year=> 2005 
Price=> 39.99 

Title=> SSL VPN : Understanding, evaluating and planning secure, web-based remote access 
Image=> 1904811078.jpg 
Author=> Joseph Steinberg, Tim Speed, Simon Jenner 
Description=> A comprehensive overview of SSL VPN technologies and design strategies 
Year=> 2005 
Price=> 49.99 

Title=> Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Design and Implementation=> Creating, Migrating, and Merging Networks 
Image=> 1904811086.jpg 
Author=> John Savill 
Description=> A unique, scenario-based approach to selecting and implementing the best Active Directory design for your environment 
Year=> 2005 
Price=> 59.99

下一步是从 data.txt 检索数据。为此,在根文件夹中创建一个名为 get_data.php 的文件,内容如下:


    class books {

        public $title = array(); 
        public $image = array(); 
        public $author = array(); 
        public $description = array(); 
        public $year = array();
        public $price = array(); 

        private $filename = "data.txt";

        //class constructor
        function __construct()
                //get the lines as an array
                $lines = file($this->filename);
                // strip "\n" at the end of each array
                // get each variable in an array

                foreach ( $lines as $line) {
                if (strlen($line) > 2) {

                    $line = rtrim($line);

                    list($what, $content) = explode("=>", $line);

                    if ($what == "Title") {
                    elseif ($what == "Image") {
                    elseif ($what == "Author") {
                    elseif ($what == "Description") {
                    elseif ($what == "Year") {
                    elseif ($what == "Price") {


                } // end constructor

                } // end GetData

业务逻辑层负责从业务角度进行数据验证。在此示例中,我们将对 2005 年出版的图书应用 10% 的折扣,对 2004 年出版的图书应用 20% 的折扣。我们需要在根文件夹中创建一个名为 books.php 的文件,如图所示

class bo_books {
public $title = array();
public $image = array();
public $author = array();
public $description = array();
public $year = array();
public $price = array();
public $discount = array();
public $discounted = array();
protected $DataObject;
function __construct()
$this->DataObject = new books();
public function apply_discount()
$this->title = $this->DataObject->title;
$this->image = $this->DataObject->image;
$this->author = $this->DataObject->author;
$this->description = $this->DataObject->description;
$this->year = $this->DataObject->year;
$this->price = $this->DataObject->price;
$j = 0;
foreach($this->year as $year)
if ($this->year[$j] == '2004')
$this->discount[$j] = '20';
elseif ($this->year[$j] == '2005')
$this->discount[$j] = '10';
$this->discounted[$j] = intval($this->price[$j] * (100 - $this->discount[$j]) ) / 100 ;
} // end function apply_discount()
} // end class bo_books

表示层:首先,我们需要将变量从业务逻辑层传递到表示层。在根文件夹中,我们创建一个名为 index.php 的文件,如下所示:



$book = new bo_books();

$smarty = new Smarty; 





<head> <title> Site Architecture Example </title>
<table border="0" width="100%">
<td align="left">
<a href="">
<img src="images\Packt.png" border="0">
<img src="images\focused.gif">
<h1> Chapter 2 Example </h1>
Here are the books in a two-column table :
<br> <br>
<table border="1" width="100%">
{section name=tbl loop=$book->title}
{if %tbl.index% is not odd}
<td align="left">
<img src="images\{$book->image[tbl]}" width="220">
<td valign="top">
<font size=+1><b> {$book->title[tbl]} </b></font><br>
<font size=-1 color=blue><b> {$book->author[tbl]} </b></font><br>
{$book->description[tbl]} <br>
Year: {$book->year[tbl]} <br>
<font size=-1>Cover Price: <s>${$book->price[tbl]}</s></font> <br>
Our Price: ${$book->discounted[tbl]}
<font color=red> save {$book->discount[tbl]} % </font>
{if %tbl.index% is odd}


Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in C:\wamp\www\MyCode\get_data.php on line 28" is diplayed.

get_data.php 上的第 28 行是

list($what, $content) = explode("=>", $line);


$line 的值为 1。

$str = 1;
list($what, $content) = explode("=>", $str);


注意:未定义的偏移量:第 7 行 test.php 中的 1

正如 Barmar 所说,问题是您的数组在您的文件的某个位置有少于 或多于 的两个元素。参见 data.txt 的第 15 行,您会发现第二个 =>,所以我想这就是问题所在。

尝试将 get_data.php 的第 28 行修改为:

list($what, $content) = array_pad(explode('=>', $line, 2), 2, null);


基于this answer.