如何编写 a+bi 形式的 return 复数作为字符串的 toString() 方法?

How to write a toString() method that should return complex number in the form a+bi as a string?

该方法应该 return 复数的字符串表示形式。 toString() 方法应该return a+bi 形式的复数作为字符串,其中a 是实部,b 是虚部

public class Complex {
      private double real;
      private double imaginary;

      //1.Complex () : This is the default constructor. 
      public void Complex(){
          this.real = 0;
          this.imaginary = 0;

       public void Complex(double r, double i){
           this.real = r;
           this.imaginary = i;

       //3.double getReal()
       public double getReal(){
           return this.real;

       //4.void setReal(double)
      public void setReal(double real){
          this.real = real;

      //5.double getImginary()
      public double getImaginary(){
          return this.imaginary ;

      //6. void setImaginary(double)
      public void setImaginary(double imaginary){
          this.imaginary = imaginary;

      //7.String toString()
      public String toString1() {
            return this.real + " + " + this.imaginary + "i";

      //8.Complex add(Complex)
      public Complex add(Complex n){
          double r=this.real+n.real;
          double i=this.imaginary + n.imaginary;
          Complex s= new Complex(r,i);
          return s;


      //9.Complex sub(Complex)
      public Complex sub(Complex n){
          double r= this.real- n.real;
          double i= this.imaginary - n.imaginary;
          Complex s= new Complex(r,i);
          return s;

      //10.Complex mul(Complex)
      public Complex mul(Complex n){
          double r= this.real*n.real - this.imaginary*n.imaginary;
          double i= this.real*n.imaginary+this.imaginary*n.real;
          Complex s=new Complex(r,i);
          return s;

      //11.Complex div(Complex)
      public Complex div(Complex n){
          double r= this.real/n.real- this.imaginary/n.imaginary;
          double i = this.real/n.imaginary+this.imaginary/n.real;
          Complex s=new Complex(r,i);
          return s;

} }

您可以覆盖 toString() 以获得所需的 instances/classes 描述。


class ComplexNum
    int a,b;

    ComplexNum(int a , int b)
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;

    public String toString()
        return a + "+" + b + "i";

    public static void main(String[] args)
        ComplexNum c = new ComplexNum(10,12);
        System.out.println("Complex Number is: " + c);
