删除 Python 中字符串中特定字符串前后的字符

Remove characters before and after particular subtring in a string in Python

我是 Python.May 的新手,这可以通过 regex.I 来完成 想在字符串中搜索特定的子字符串并删除字符串中前后的字符。

示例 1

Input:"This is the consignment no 1234578TP43789"
Output:"This is the consignment no TP"

示例 2

Input:"Consignment no 1234578TP43789 is on its way on vehicle no 3456MP567890"
Output:"Consignment no TP is on its way on vehicle no MP"



>>> string="This is the consignment no 1234578TP43789"
>>> re.sub(r'\d+(TP|MP)\d+', r'', string)
'This is the consignment no TP'

>>> string="Consignment no 1234578TP43789 is on its way on vehicle no 3456MP567890"
>>> re.sub(r'\d+(TP|MP)\d+', r'', string)
'Consignment no TP is on its way on vehicle no MP'


  • \d+ 匹配一位或多位数字。
  • (TP|MP) 匹配 TPMP。在 </code> 中捕获它。我们使用这个捕获的字符串来替换整个匹配的字符串。</li> </ul> <hr> <p>如果任何字符可以出现在 TP/MP 之前和之后,我们可以使用 <code>\S 来匹配 space 以外的任何字符。例如,

    >>> string="Consignment no 1234578TP43789 is on its way on vehicle no 3456MP567890"
    >>> re.sub(r'\S+(TP|MP)\S+', r'', string)
    'Consignment no TP is on its way on vehicle no MP'


    使用 list comprehension,您可以遍历列表并将所有字符串替换为

    >>> list_1=["TP","MP","DCT"]
    >>> list_2=["This is the consignment no 1234578TP43789","Consignment no 1234578TP43789 is on its way on vehicle no 3456MP567890"]
    >>> [ re.sub(r'\d+(' +  '|'.join(list_1) + ')\d+', r'', string) for string in list_2 ]
    ['This is the consignment no TP', 'Consignment no TP is on its way on vehicle no MP']

您可以使用 strip 去除字符串前后的字符。

strg="Consignment no 1234578TP43789 is on its way on vehicle no 3456MP567890"
strg=' '.join([word.strip('0123456789') for word in strg.split()])
print(strg) # Consignment no TP is on its way on vehicle no MP


strg="Consignment no 1234578TP43789 is on its way on vehicle no 3456MP567890 200DG"
for res in reserved:
    strg=' '.join([word.strip('0123456789') if (res in word) else word for word in strg.split()])
print(strg) # Consignment no TP is on its way on vehicle no MP 200DG