XSD getting error: 'Any' element not supported

XSD getting error: 'Any' element not supported

我正在将一个 xsd 导入 Mendix 以设置一个 Web 服务,该服务将导入一个 XML 文件,该文件中将包含一个嵌入式 pdf 文件。当我尝试将 XSD 添加到 Mendix 时,它给我一个错误

元素“http://tempuri.org/CREDIT_RESPONSE_v2_3_1:DOCUMENT”的类型:'Any' 元素不受支持。

我搜索了 Mendix 论坛,他们说如果你想添加对此 xsd 的支持,你必须确定你期望什么样的响应并相应地更改 xsd。

<xs:element name="DOCUMENT">
    <xs:complexType mixed="false">
            <xs:any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" namespace="##any"/> <!-- Error on any --> 
<xs:element name="EMBEDDED_FILE">
            <xs:element ref="DOCUMENT" />
        <xs:attribute name="_ID" type="xs:ID" />
        <xs:attribute name="_Type" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:attribute name="_Version" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:attribute name="_Name" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:attribute name="_Extension" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:attribute name="_EncodingType" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:attribute name="_Description" type="xs:string" />
        <xs:attribute name="MIMEType" type="xs:string" />

我的问题是如何找出对 any 参数有效的响应类型?

来自Mendix Reference Guide 6

XML Schema Support

When you import an XML schema (.xsd file) or web service definition (.wsdl file) using the Mendix Business Modeler, you might get a dialog that contains warning messages about unsupported constructs. This is because currently Mendix does not support the entire XSD standard. The mapping in Mendix is based on entities and attributes, and some XSD constructs do not lend themselves easily for this format. The following table shows which XSD constructs are supported in Mendix.



My question is how do I find out what type of responses are valid for the any parameter?

根据定义,任何 XML 都可以去那里;这就是 xsd:any 的重点。 (详见 how to use xsd:any/@processContents) In order to limit the XML that can go there and be able to use the Mendix Business Modeler, you'll have to define the XML in terms of the limited set of XSD features that Mendix supports.

如果您不控制 DOCUMENT 内容,那么您将不得不咨询控制权。 提示:我看到 CREDIT_RESPONSE_v2_3_1MISMO (Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization) XML 中使用。