
Fortran: How to plug memory leak from un-deallocated pointer in linked list

我有一个在 Fortran 2008 (GNU Fortran v4.9.2) 中实现的双向链表。该列表在能够 insert/delete/push/pop 方面表现符合预期,但在大量使用下存在内存泄漏,我认为即将到来的指针未被释放。


module c_DLLMod
  implicit none

  type, public :: c_Node
    type(c_Node), pointer :: Parent => null(), Child => null()
    integer, allocatable :: Val
    procedure :: GetVal => m_GetVal
    procedure :: SetVal => m_SetVal
  end type c_Node

  type, public :: c_DLL
    type(c_Node), pointer :: Head => null(), Tail => null()
    integer :: Size
    logical :: IsReady = .false.
    procedure :: Front => m_Front
    procedure :: PushFront => m_PushFront
    procedure :: PopFront => m_PopFront
    procedure :: Delete => m_Delete
    procedure :: IsEmpty => m_IsEmpty
    procedure :: Free => m_Free
  end type c_DLL

  interface c_DLL
    module procedure m_NewDLL
  end interface c_DLL


  !  Begin c_Node methods

  subroutine m_SetVal(N, Val)
    class(c_Node), intent(inout) :: N
    integer, intent(in) :: Val

    if (.not. allocated(N%Val)) allocate(N%Val)
    N%Val = Val
  end subroutine m_SetVal

  integer function m_GetVal(N) result(Val)
    class(c_Node), intent(in) :: N

    Val = N%Val
  end function m_GetVal

  !  End c_Node methods

  !  Begin c_DLL methods

!  Initialize linked list by setting initial size and ready status
  function m_NewDLL() result(L)
    type(c_DLL) :: L

    L%Size = 0

    L%IsReady = .true.
  end function m_NewDLL

!  Make sure that the head points to the first node and the tail to the last
  subroutine m_Listify(L)
    class(c_DLL), intent(inout) :: L

    do while(associated(L%Head%Parent))
      L%Head => L%Head%Parent
    end do

    do while(associated(L%Tail%Child))
      L%Tail => L%Tail%Child
    end do
  end subroutine m_Listify

!  Return the value stored in the front (head) node
  integer function m_Front(L) result(Val)
    class(c_DLL), intent(in) :: L

    Val = 0
    if (L%IsReady) Val = L%Head%GetVal()
  end function m_Front

!  Push new value to the front of the list
  subroutine m_PushFront(L, Val)
    class(c_DLL), intent(inout) :: L
    integer, intent(in) :: Val

    if (L%IsReady) then
      if (L%Size == 0) then
!        List is new or empty, so need to allocate the head node
!        and assign its value to Val
        if (.not. associated(L%Head)) then
          L%Tail => L%Head ! List only has 1 value, so tail and head are same
        end if
        call L%Head%SetVal(Val)
!        List is not empty, so make sure head and tail point to right
!        nodes, then allocate new node in front of the head and assign
!        Val to it.
        call m_Listify(L)
        call L%Head%Parent%SetVal(Val)
        L%Head%Parent%Child => L%Head ! Give the new head its child node
        nullify(L%Head%Parent%Parent) ! Tell new head that it is in fact the head (i.e. no parent node)
        L%Head => L%Head%Parent ! Set head pointer to the new head
      end if
      L%Size = L%Size + 1
    end if
  end subroutine m_PushFront

!  Remove the head node from the list
  subroutine m_PopFront(L)
    class(c_DLL), intent(inout) :: L

    if (L%IsReady .and. L%Size > 0) then
      if (associated(L%Head%Child)) then
!        List has more than 1 value, so need to point head to the
!        new head after popping
        L%Head => L%Head%Child
        call m_Delete(L, L%Head%Parent) ! Head%Parent is actually the head until it's deleted
!        List has only 1 element, so can simply delete it
        call m_Delete(L, L%Head)
      end if
    end if
  end subroutine m_PopFront

!  Remove a node N from the list, maintaining connectivity in the list
  subroutine m_Delete(L, N)
    class(c_DLL), intent(inout) :: L
    type(c_Node), pointer, intent(inout) :: N

    if (L%IsReady .and. L%Size >= 1) then
      deallocate(N%Val) ! Deallocate the integer Val of the node to be deleted (N)
      if (associated(N%Parent)) then
        if (associated(N%Child)) then
!          N has both parent and child nodes, so need to point parent to child
!          and child to parent so that the list stays connected
          N%Child%Parent => N%Parent
          N%Parent%Child => N%Child
!          N has only parent node, so the parent's child pointer will now become null,
!          so that the parent know's it's the new tail of the list
        end if
        if (associated(N%Child)) then
!          N has only child node, so the child's parent pointer will now become null,
!          so that the child know's it's the new head of the list
        end if
      end if

!      At this point I'm done with N, and N was allocated earlier by
!      either the m_NewDLL function or inside a call to m_PushFront,
!      but if I try to deallocate then it throws a runtime error that
!      N isn't allocated and cannot be deallocated.
!      deallocate(N)
      L%Size = L%Size - 1
    end if
  end subroutine m_Delete

!  Check if list is empty
  logical function m_IsEmpty(L)
    class(c_DLL), intent(in) :: L

    m_IsEmpty = (L%Size == 0)
  end function m_IsEmpty

!  Delete all elements of the list, starting with the head node
  subroutine m_Free(L)
    class(c_DLL), intent(inout) :: L

    type(c_Node), pointer :: Cur

    if (L%IsReady .and. L%Size > 0) then
      Cur => L%Head
      do while(associated(Cur%Child))
        Cur => Cur%Child
        call m_Delete(L, Cur%Parent)
      end do
      call m_Delete(L, Cur)
      L%Size = 0
      L%IsReady = .false.
    end if
  end subroutine m_Free

end module c_DLLMod

!  Simple test program that pushs array values to a list
!  and then pops them off the front of the list.
!  This behavior is that of a stack, so the order
!  of array elements is reversed in the process of
!  pushing/popping.
program main
  use c_DLLMod
  implicit none
  type(c_DLL) :: List
  integer, dimension(10) :: A
  integer :: i, j

!  When IsDebug is true, the test will execute 10 million times, and
!  the program's memory cost will go to ~2.5GB.
!  When IsDebug is false, the test will execute once, and will output
!  values along the way so that you can see the list is
!  performing as expected.
  logical :: IsDebug = .true.

  A = (/ 2,1,4,3,6,5,8,7,10,9 /)

  write(*,*) 'Starting test'

  List = c_DLL()
  do j = 1, 10000000
    if (IsDebug) write(*,*) 'populate list'
    do i = 1, 10
      call List%PushFront(A(i))
      if (IsDebug) write(*,*) List%Front()
    end do

    if (IsDebug) write(*,*) 'empty list'
    do while(.not. List%IsEmpty())
      if (IsDebug) write(*,*) List%Front()
      call List%PopFront
    end do
    if (IsDebug) stop
  end do

  write(*,*) 'Finished'

  call List%Free
end program main

切换 IsDebug 的值以切换测试的 short/long 版本。

每个 c_Node 都有一个整数指针,在存储值之前分配,并在不再需要该节点时在 m_Delete() 中释放。在第 160 行(deallocate(N) in m_Delete()),被删除的节点应该被释放,但是这一行抛出一个 运行time 错误,指出该节点没有被分配,因此无法被释放.当这一行被注释掉时,列表有效,但如果完整测试是 运行 那么程序将占用 ~2.5GB 内存,我认为泄漏是由于这些节点在它们被释放时没有被释放删除,导致分配了数百万个指针。

我已经评论了代码,希望你们都能看到发生了什么。我一定是在某个地方犯了一个根本性的错误,我是如何实现这个链表的,但是 C++ 中的类似实现工作得很好。

我做错了什么导致无法重新分配已删除的节点?[​​=37=] 或者这实际上是这里的问题吗?



P.S。附带一提,我不完全确定何时使用 nullify(pointer)pointer => null()。你能评论一下我对每一个的使用吗?

找到错误的关键(在用 valgrind 进行简短检查后)是这篇文章:

!      At this point I'm done with N, and N was allocated earlier by
!      either the m_NewDLL function or inside a call to m_PushFront,
!      but if I try to deallocate then it throws a runtime error that
!      N isn't allocated and cannot be deallocated.
!     deallocate(N)



       if (associated(N%Child)) then
!          N has only child node, so the child's parent pointer will now become null,
!          so that the child know's it's the new head of the list

事实上,您现在正在使 N 无效,因为您传递给 m_Delete 的是

call m_Delete(L, L%Head%Parent)


无论如何,如果我取消注释 deallocate 并注释这个 nullify,它会很好地工作:

==3347== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3347==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3347==   total heap usage: 41 allocs, 41 frees, 12,271 bytes allocated
==3347== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==3347== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3347== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 2 from 2)

正如 IanH 在他的评论中指出的那样,还有另一个问题。您在此调用的两个单独参数中两次将同一实体作为实际参数传递给 m_delete

call m_Delete(L, L%Head)

L%Head 是 L 的一部分,您可以通过第二个参数更改 L%Head 的关联状态,还可以通过第一个参数更改 L 其他部分的值。这是不允许的。解决此问题的最短方法是将 target 属性添加到 Fortran 2008 标准第 段中 m_Delete 的第一个虚拟参数。所有限制都在 F2008 的第 节中。