在循环中使用 sqlite3_bind_XXX

Using sqlite3_bind_XXX inside a loop

我想在我的代码中使用 SQLite 执行多个参数化插入。为此:


error = sqlite3_prepare(connection, insert_sql, strlen(insert_sql), &stmt, NULL);


while ( not reached end of datafile ) {
    // Insert into server table
    sqlite3_bind_int(stmt,    1, id1);
    sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 2, latitude);
    sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 3, longitude);


函数的 API 文档:https://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/bind_blob.html 提到:

sqlite3_step() has been called more recently than sqlite3_reset(), then the call will return SQLITE_MISUSE

Bindings are not cleared by the sqlite3_reset() routine

If any sqlite3_bind_() routine is passed a prepared statement that has been finalized, the result is undefined and probably harmful.

我真的很困惑如何在 SQLite 中使用参数化查询进行重复插入?

只需在 sqlite3_step() 之后调用 sqlite3_reset()