分解为 ABC 和 CDE 并保留功能依赖性

Decomposition into ABC & CDE and preserving functional dependencies

Consider a relation R with five attributes ABCDE. Now assume that R is decomposed into two smaller relations ABC and CDE. Define S to be the relation (ABC NaturalJoin CDE). a) Assume that the above decomposition is lossless join. What is the dependency that guarantees the lossless join property. b) Give an additional FD such that “dependency preserving” property is violated by this decomposition. c) Give two additional FD's that would be preserved by this decomposition.

问题对我来说似乎不同,因为没有给出 FD 并且它的询问:


R1=(A,B,C) R2=(C,D,E) R1∩R2 =C (how can i control dependency now)
 F1' = {A->B,A->C,B->C,B->A,C->A,C->B,AB->C,AC->B,BC->A...}
 F2' = {C->D,C->E,D->E....}

那我就找F' ??

b,c) 我该如何检查,我是否需要为 R1 和 R2 寻找所有可能的 FD

这个问题肯定是在假设它没有说清楚的事情。 ABCDE 可能受制于 JD *{ABC,CDE} 而根本不受任何非平凡 FD 的制约。

但是假设该关系受某些 FD 的约束,并且不受除它们暗示的 JD 之外的任何 JD 的约束。如果 C 是 CK,则连接是无损的。但是 C -> ABCDE 成立,因为 CK 决定所有属性,而 C -> ABDE 成立,因为 CK 决定所有其他属性。没有其他 FD 持有会暗示连接是无损的,尽管这需要单调乏味(通过查看 CK 的每个可能案例)或灵感来展示。

