将 C++ 回调提交给 .NET C++/CLI Wrapper

Submitting C++ callback to .NET C++/CLI Wrapper


我们有一个用 C++ 编写的大型单体应用程序。为了 "upgrade" 它进入新世界,我们在其中嵌入了 WPF 视图,该视图是在 C++/CLI 托管包装器中生成的。初始调用是通过智能指针从 C++ 进行的。

        if (SUCCEEDED(ptr.CreateInstance(__uuidof(CloudServices))))
        CRect rect;

        ptr->InitializeControl((LONG)pWndContainer->GetSafeHwnd(), ID_AIS_BALANCEMATRIX, bstr.m_str, rect.Width(), rect.Height());

并且在包装器中 class 接口声明为

interface ICloudServices : IDispatch{
[id(1)] HRESULT InitializeControl([in] LONG hWndParent, [in] LONG controlTypeId, [in] BSTR parameters, [in] LONG width, [in] LONG height);


STDMETHODIMP CCloudServices::InitializeControl(LONG hWndParent, LONG controlTypeId, BSTR parameters, LONG width, LONG height) { ... }

问题: 一切正常,wpf 视图在 C++ 应用程序中呈现。现在我们需要将信息从 .NET 代码发送回 C++。

如何将非托管回调函数作为 InitializeControl 的参数提交给包装器以及如何 use/convert 将其提交给相关的 .net 委托?

See desired solution schematic

我们似乎没有找到解决此问题的有效方法,因此我们最终使用 WM_DATACOMPY 将信息发回。不是最有效的方法,但它有效。

    public void SendCommand(Command command)
        // Find the target window handle.
        IntPtr hTargetWnd = NativeMethod.FindWindow("OurAppNameInCpp", null);
        if (hTargetWnd == IntPtr.Zero)
            throw new Exception("Sending '{0}'. Unable to find the \"OurAppNameInCpp\" window".Args(command.AsXmlMessage));

        // Prepare the COPYDATASTRUCT struct with the data to be sent.
        MyStruct myStruct;

        myStruct.Message = command.AsXmlMessage;

        // Marshal the managed struct to a native block of memory.
        int myStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf(myStruct);
        IntPtr pMyStruct = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(myStructSize);
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(myStruct, pMyStruct, true);

            cds.cbData = myStruct.Message.Length + 1;
            cds.lpData = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(myStruct.Message);

            // Send the COPYDATASTRUCT struct through the WM_COPYDATA message to 
            // the receiving window. (The application must use SendMessage, 
            // instead of PostMessage to send WM_COPYDATA because the receiving 
            // application must accept while it is guaranteed to be valid.)
            NativeMethod.SendMessage(hTargetWnd, WM_COPYDATA, IntPtr.Zero, ref cds);

            int result = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
            if (result != 0)
                throw new Exception("SendMessage(WM_COPYDATA) failed w/err 0x{0:X}".Args(result));