
The camera in a side-scrolling tile based game in moving slower than the character

在我的横向卷轴游戏中,当角色移动经过特定区域(在世界的左侧)时,相机应该开始移动,直到角色经过下一个区域(在世界的右侧) ).然而,当我穿过第一个区域并且是摄像机应该移动的位置时,它移动得比玩家慢,过了一会儿角色从屏幕上消失了。


    int worldWidth = world.GetLength(0) * _TILE_WIDTH;
    int resX = camera.Width / TILE_WIDTH;
    int resY = camera.Height / TILE_HEIGHT;

    Bitmap screenBmp = new Bitmap(camera.Width, camera.Height);
    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(screenBmp);

    // upper left corner of the camera in the world
    Vector2D pCamera = new Vector2D(p.X + (p.PlayerSize.Width / 2) - (screenBmp.Width / 2), 0);

    int oneMoreX_tile = 0;  // draw one more tile off the screen?

    if (p.X + (p.PlayerSize.Width / 2) < 0 + screenBmp.Width / 2) // past the left zone
        pCamera.X = 0;
    else if (p.X + (p.PlayerSize.Width / 2) >= worldWidth - screenBmp.Width / 2) // past the right zone
        pCamera.X = worldWidth - screenBmp.Width;
    else  // between the zones
        oneMoreX_tile = 1;

    int xOffset = (int)pCamera.X % TILE_WIDTH;
    int yOffset = (int)pCamera.Y % TILE_HEIGHT;

    int startX_tile = (int)pCamera.X / TILE_WIDTH;
    int startY_tile = (int)pCamera.Y / TILE_HEIGHT;

    for (int i = 0; i < resX + oneMoreX_tile; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < resY; j++)
            int tileValue = world[startX_tile + i, startY_tile + j];

            // tile coord in tileset
            int x = tileValue % tilesetWidth_tile;
            int y = tileValue / tilesetWidth_tile;

            // pixel coord in tileset (top left)
            int x_px = x * TILE_WIDTH;
            int y_px = y * TILE_HEIGHT;

                new Rectangle(i * TILE_WIDTH - xOffset, j * TILE_HEIGHT - yOffset, TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT),
                new Rectangle(x_px, y_px, TILE_WIDTH, TILE_HEIGHT),



玩家的坐标在作品中以像素为单位(介于 0 和 world.GetLength(0) * tile_width 之间)。所以当我画玩家时,我忘了减去相机位置,这样玩家世界就留在相机视图内。 ¨


            new RectangleF(p.X - (float)pCamera.X, p.Y - (float)pCamera.Y, p.PlayerSize.Width, p.PlayerSize.Height),
            new Rectangle(new Point(tilesetX_px, tilesetY_px), p.PlayerSpriteSize),