Dimple.js 不喜欢我的阵列

Dimple.js doesn't like my Array

我有 data.json 这种格式:

    "Users": [
            "userName": "Herbie",
            "weigh-in data": [
                { "date": "2016.01.04", "weight": "114.3" },
                { "date": "2016.01.05", "weight": "114.6" },
                { "date": "2016.01.06", "weight": "114.9" }
            "userName": "Wayne",
            "weigh-in data": [
                { "date": "2016.02.01", "weight": "120.3" },
                { "date": "2016.02.05", "weight": "123.6" },
                { "date": "2016.02.06", "weight": "123.9" }


在我的应用程序中:选择了一个用户,ajax 调用获取此数据,我循环遍历它以仅获取所选用户的称重数据,并且我成功呈现了此数据数据到 table.

现在我正尝试在 Dimple 图表中使用相同的结果,但 Dimple 显然不喜欢我的 chartData 数组:

var dataObj = JSON.parse(jsonData);
var usersArray = dataObj.Users;
var chartData = [];
// etc. SNIP

for (var obj of usersArray) {
    if (obj.userName === selUser) { // weigh-ins of the selected user only
        dataRows.innerHTML = "";
        for (var i = 0, j = selUserData.length; i < j; i++) {
            var dataDate = selUserData[i].date;
            var dataWeight = selUserData[i].weight;

            chartData.push('{ "User"' + ': ' + '"'+selUser+'", ' + '"Date":' + ' ' + '"'+dataDate+'", ' + '"Weight":' + ' ' + '"'+dataWeight+'" }');

            // SNIP: build rows from the data, load up the table, no problem
            dataRows.innerHTML += row;
        } // selUserData loop

var svg = dimple.newSvg("#chartContainer", 800, 600);
var chart = new dimple.chart(svg, chartData);
chart.setBounds(60, 30, 505, 305);
var x = chart.addCategoryAxis("x", "Date");
var y = chart.addCategoryAxis("y", "Weight");

var s = chart.addSeries("weigh-ins", dimple.plot.line);

... 这导致非图表。但是,如果我 console.log 或 alert(chartData) 并将结果设置为 chartData,即:

var chartData = [
    { "User": "Wayne", "Date": "2016.02.01", "Weight": "180.3" },
    { "User": "Wayne", "Date": "2016.02.05", "Weight": "123.6" },
    { "User": "Wayne", "Date": "2016.02.06", "Weight": "153.9" }




您将 JSON 作为字符串而不是对象推入您的数组,它应该是:

chartData.push({ "User": selUser, "Date": dataDate, "Weight": dataWeight });
