Visual Studio 大学企业

Visual Studio Enterprise from University

我可以获得 Visual Studio Enterprise 2015,这要感谢我的大学 Microsoft Image。我想知道即使在我不再是学生之后,我可以使用此版本做什么的许可证是否有任何限制?


你是说 Microsoft Imagine 吗?

如果是的话,根据 FAQ you can use it the same. Be sure to read the rest of the Licence Agreement 看来,程序的正式版本和 Imagine 版本之间没有区别,但据我所知,您可以以相同的方式使用产品如果你买了它,你会的。我只会引用常见问题解答中的摘要:

How may I use the Microsoft tools I get via Microsoft Imagine?

Feel free to use the tools and software from Microsoft Imagine to get ahead in school, develop new skills and take steps in research in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Please review the license agreement for more details.

What is the difference between the Microsoft software from Microsoft Imagine and the products I can get online?

Nothing! Microsoft Imagine offers the same completely loaded Microsoft software that professional developers pay good cash to purchase. However, through Microsoft Imagine, we’re providing this software directly to students like you at no charge, to advance your skills through technical design, technology, math, science and engineering software, tools and training.


9. Ending the Subscription Once you no longer meet the eligibility criteria for the Subscription as defined under section 1 of this Agreement, your access to certain Subscription Benefits that require annual verification of eligibility will terminate as of the date of nonrenewal. However, Microsoft may terminate your Subscription or access to any Subscription Benefits at any time, with or without notice to you, in the event of a material violation of the Agreement, including all use rights associated with any software and any rights granted under Section 2 of the Agreement.

有些订阅可以立即结束,但不幸的是,Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise 似乎在您输入 Imagine 产品密钥后 36 个月后到期。嗯,这是根据 Visual Studio 2015 年

页的 pricing

36 months (other Volume Licensing programs)