
Inductive type constructed by a list of that type in Lean

我想定义一个归纳类型,它可以在 lean 中从自身列表构造。不过

inductive a : Type :=
| aFromAs : list a → a


failed to infer inductive datatype resultant universe, provide the universe levels explicitly

好吧,所以我set_option pp.universes truelist属于它参数的类型universe(除非参数是Prop)。所以如果 aType₁ 一切都应该没问题。但是

inductive a : Type₁ :=
| aFromAs : list a → a


arg #1 of aFromAs contains an non valid occurrence of the datatype being declared


看起来像 Lean doesn't have support for nested datatypes 所以最好将它们编码为相互递归定义:

inductive a := node : as -> a
with as :=
   | nil  : as
   | cons : a -> as -> as

精益 3 现在支持嵌套归纳声明:

inductive a : Type
| aFromAs : list a → a