
How to extract next integer in an arbitrary position in string?


I n
//where n is any integer representing the line number.

我在下面使用了 switch 语句来查看他们输入的第一个字符是什么,但是在 case 'I'(插入)和 case 'D'(delete) 我需要能够提取他们之后输入的整数。


D 16 // deletes line 16
I 9 // Inserts string at line 9
L // lists all lines


void handle_choice(string &choice)
    int line_number;

      // switch statement according to the first character in string choice.
    switch (choice[0]) 

    case 'I':

       // code here to extract next integer in the string choice


    case 'D':


    case 'L':


    case 'Q':



我尝试了一些不同的东西,比如 getline() 和 cin << 但如果用户没有以该特定格式输入该行,我将无法正常工作,我想知道是否有办法。


#include <cctype>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

// This function takes the whole input string as input, and
// returns the first integer within that string as a string.

string first_integer(string input) {
   // The digits of the number will be added to the string
   // return_value. If no digits are found, return_value will
   // remain empty.
   string return_value;
   // This indicates that no digits have been found yet.
   // So long as no digits have been found, it's okay
   // if we run into non-digits.
   bool in_number = false;

   // This for statement iterates over the whole input string.
   // Within the for loop, *ix is the character from the string
   // currently being considered. 
   for(string::iterator ix = input.begin(); ix != input.end(); ix++) {
     // Check if the character is a digit.
     if(isdigit(*ix)) {
         // If it is, append it to the return_value. 
         in_number = true;
     } else if(in_number) {
         // If a digit has been found and then we find a non-digit
         // later, that's the end of the number.
         return return_value;
   // This is reached if there are no non-digit characters after
   // the number, or if there are no digits in the string. 
   return return_value;

在您的 switch 语句中,您可以像这样使用它:

case 'I':
     string number = first_integer(choice);
     // Convert the string to an int here.


char command; 
int line; 
cin >> command >> line; //put the first character in command, and the next one in line

如果您确实想使用函数,则应将字符串转换为字符串流。 Stringstreams 让您可以像 cin 一样为变量赋值,处理所有转换,在输入失败时告诉您,并跳过空格。


stringstream inputStream (choice); //make a stringstream from the input string


char command; 
int line; 
inputStream >> command >> line;

现在,命令包含字母,行包含数字。但是,有时没有行号,只有命令。在这种情况下,第二个输入将失败。方便的是,stringstreams 让你检查这个:

inputStream >> command >> line; 
if(inputStream.fail()) { //input to line failed, probably because there was no number
/*your code for when there is no number*/
