如何比较 Python 中不同嵌套的字典和列表并找到交集?

How to compare differently nested dictionaries and lists in Python and find intersection?


0: {'hex': ['#c3d6db', '#c7ccc0', '#9a8f6a', '#8a8e3e'], 'filename': 'imag0'}, 
1: {'hex': ['#705b3c', '#6a5639', '#442f1e', '#4a3d28'], 'filename': 'img-xyz'},

所以在这种情况下,我会有 2 张 2 x 2 像素的图像。
第二个字典包含许多十六进制值作为键和一个 id 作为值。看起来像:

{'#b0a7aa': '9976', '#595f5b': '19367', '#9a8f6a': '24095'…}



使用 dictionary view objects 在您的 hex 列表和 hex-id 字典之间产生交集:

for entry in images.values():
    for key in hexidmap.keys() & entry['hex']:
        print('{} {} {}'.format(entry['filename'], key, hexidmap[key]))

& 生成键集和十六进制值列表之间的交集。

以上假设您使用的是Python 3;如果您使用的是 Python 2,请使用 dict.viewkeys() 而不是 .keys()


>>> images = {
... 0: {'hex': ['#c3d6db', '#c7ccc0', '#9a8f6a', '#8a8e3e'], 'filename': 'imag0'},
... 1: {'hex': ['#705b3c', '#6a5639', '#442f1e', '#4a3d28'], 'filename': 'img-xyz'},
... }
>>> hexidmap = {'#b0a7aa': '9976', '#595f5b': '19367', '#9a8f6a': '24095'}
>>> for entry in images.values():
...     for key in hexidmap.keys() & entry['hex']:
...         print('{} {} {}'.format(entry['filename'], key, hexidmap[key]))
imag0 #9a8f6a 24095
for index in d1:
    print [(d1[index]["filename"], d2[i], i) for i in d1[index]["hex"] if i in d2]

>>> [('imag0', '24095', '#9a8f6a')]
dicta = {
        0: {'hex': ['#c3d6db', '#c7ccc0', '#9a8f6a', '#8a8e3e'], 'filename': 'imag0'}, 
        1: {'hex': ['#705b3c', '#6a5639', '#442f1e', '#4a3d28'], 'filename': 'img-xyz'},
dictb = {'#c3d6db': '9976', '#595f5b': '19367', '#9a8f6a': '24095'}
intersection = {}
for o in dicta.values():
  intersect = list(set(o['hex']) & set(dictb.keys()))
  intersection[o['filename']] = intersect if intersect else "No intersection"
print (intersection)
>>>{'imag0': ['#c3d6db', '#9a8f6a'], 'img-xyz': 'No intersection'}