Prolog 写函数的问题

Issues with Prolog's write function


A solution is: 
The farmer takes the Goat from west of the river to east 
The farmer crosses the river from east to west 
The farmer takes the cabbage from west of the river to east 
The farmer takes the Goat from east of the river to west 
The farmer takes the Wolf from west of the river to east 
The farmer crosses the river from east to west 
The farmer takes the Goat from west of the river to east 


?- solve.
A solution is:
ERROR: write_move/2: Undefined procedure: write/4
ERROR:   However, there are definitions for:
ERROR:         write/1
ERROR:         writeq/1
ERROR:         write/2
ERROR:         writeq/2
   Exception: (10) write('The farmer takes the Goat from ', west, ' of the river to ', east) ? 


write_move(state(X,W,G,C),state(Y,W,G,C)):- !,

write('The farmer crosses the river from ',X,' to ',Y), nl.

write_move(state(X,X,G,C),state(Y,Y,G,C)):- !,

write('The farmer takes the Wolf from ',X,' of the river to ',Y), nl.

write_move(state(X,W,X,C),state(Y,W,Y,C)):- !,

write('The farmer takes the Goat from ',X,' of the river to ',Y),nl.

write_move(state(X,W,G,X),state(Y,W,G,Y)):- !,

write('The farmer takes the cabbage from ',X,' of the river to ',Y),nl.



write/1 只接受一个参数。 未定义过程 write/4 表示没有定义 write/4write 接受 4 个参数)。错误消息表明 write/1 存在。


write('The farmer takes the Wolf from ',X,' of the river to ',Y), nl.


write('The farmer takes the Wolf from '),
write(' of the river to '),
write(Y), nl.


format('The farmer takes the Wolf from ~w to ~w~n', [X, Y]).

或者(在 SWI Prolog 中)...

writef('The farmer crosses the river from %w to %w\n', [X, Y]).
