为什么不打印 X?集会

Why doesnt this print X? Assembly

为什么这个程序不打印 X?有人可以一步一步地解释发生了什么,让它打印一个黑桃作为输出。

mov ah, 0x0e ; Set higher bit of ax to 0e (probably the instruction opcode)
mov al, the_secret ; Set lower bit of ax to bytes of H
int 0x10

    db 'X'

jmp $ ;Jump to the current address forever

; Padding

times 510 - ($-$$) db 0

dw 0xaa55

... to make it print a spade as output.

...现在我真的帮不了你了,因为我不知道 ♠️ 字符的确切十六进制->ASCII 值...虽然,我可以帮助您了解如何打印 standard(击键)ASCII 字符的简单步骤。

这是完整的 NASM 示例,说明如何将字符打印到显示器;我会将其分解为 视频显示特定 块,以帮助您更好地理解该过程(请注意我只使用了 REAL示例中的MODE汇编指令(16位):

[bits   16]                                             ; Declare CPU Instructions as [REAL_MODE]
[org    0x0000]                                         ; Organize Memory to Start @ [0x0000]
                                                        ; We'll Manually setup Memory Organization Later...

jmp _glEntry                                            ; Relocate to Function:

; This Function Prints an Entire Character Stream until
; NULL Terminated Hex Character (0x00) is Detected...
output16_char_array:                                    ; Legacy BIOS Output CHAR_STREAM Function
    ;push   ax                                          ; Store [AX] Register to [STACK_SPACE]
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    mov ah, 0x0E                                        ; Assign [0x0E] to [AX] : (Legacy BIOS Function Code for BIOS Display)
                                                        ; Continue Code Execution:
        lodsb                                           ; Collect Single Byte from [DS:SI] and increment SI by 1 : ([AL] = [DS:SI]; inc [SI])
        or  al, al                                      ; Check Whether [AL] is [0x00]
        jz  .output16_char_array_done                   ; [AL] == [0x00] Proceed to Function:
        int 0x10                                        ; [AL] != [0x00] Continue to Display Hex->ASCII [CHAR]
        jmp .output16_char_array_loop                   ; Relocate [CS] to create an Infinite Loop...
        ;pop    ax                                      ; Restore [AX] Register from [STACK_SPACE]
        ret                                             ; Return to Calling [CS] Memory Position...

; For Simplicity I've created a Single Character Output
; Method, but in the form of a MACRO
; There is really no difference in the method if Output
; other than that this method only prints a single
; Character and doesn't require a NULL Terminated Hex
; Character (0x00) for EndOf(..) CHAR_STREAM...
%macro  output16_char_byte  1                           ; Define Macro with a single input method...
    ;push   ax                                          ; Store [AX] Register to [STACK_SPACE]
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    mov ah, 0x0E                                        ; Assign [0x0E] to [AH] : (Legacy BIOS Function Code for BIOS Display)
    mov al, %1                                          ; Assign [MACRO_INPUT] to [AL] : (Refer to ['%macro output16_char_byte <..>'])
    int 0x10                                            ; Legacy BIOS Interrupt for Teletype Output
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    ;pop    ax                                          ; Restore [AX] Register from [STACK_SPACE]
%endmacro                                               ; End of ['output16_char_byte'] Macro

WELCOME_MSG db  "Hello, World!",    0x0D,   0x0A,   0x00

; This Function is the Entry Point for the Global Master
; Boot Record
    cli                                                 ; Disable CPU Interrupts
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    mov ax, 0x07E0                                      ; Assign [0x07E0] to [AX] : (0x07E0)
    mov ss, ax                                          ; Assign [AX] to [SS] : ([AX]*[0x0010]) : (0x7E00)
    mov sp, 0x1000                                      ; Assign [0x1000] to [SP] : (0x1000) ([0x07E0]:[0x1000])
    sti                                                 ; Enable CPU Interrupts
                                                        ; Continue Code Execution:
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    mov ax, 0x07C0                                      ; Assign [0x07C0] to [AX] : (0x07C0)
    mov ds, ax                                          ; Assign [AX] to [DS] : ([AX]*[0x0010]) : (0x7C00)
                                                        ; Continue Code Execution:
    mov si, WELCOME_MSG                                 ; Assign [WELCOME_MSG] to [SI] : (0x[....])
    call    output16_char_array                         ; Call our Output [CHAR_STREAM] Function
    mov si, WELCOME_MSG                                 ; Assign [WELCOME_MSG] to [SI] : (0x[....])
    output16_char_byte  BYTE    [ds:si+0x0008]          ; Assign (BYTE) [DS:SI+0x0008] to Macro Input Method...
                                                        ; we should have the (9th - 1) letter from [WELCOME_MSG] 'o'
                                                        ; Continue Code Execution on Return:
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    int 0x16                                            ; Call BIOS Await Keystroke Interrupt
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    int 0x19                                            ; Call BIOS Reboot Interrupt
                                                        ; Continue Code Execution if interrupts fail...
    cli                                                 ; Disable CPU Interrupts
    hlt                                                 ; Halt CPU Execution:

times   510 - ( $ - $$ )    db  0x00                    ; Pad [BOOTSECTOR] with [0x00] up to 510 Bytes...
dw  0xAA55                                              ; Assign [MAGIC_MBR] Value...

好的,这就是将字符打印到 monitor/display...


显示 printing/displaying 个字符的大多数 common/efficient 方法:

; This Function Prints an Entire Character Stream until
; NULL Terminated Hex Character (0x00) is Detected...
output16_char_array:                                    ; Legacy BIOS Output CHAR_STREAM Function
    ;push   ax                                          ; Store [AX] Register to [STACK_SPACE]
    xor ax, ax                                          ; Zero [AX] Register
    mov ah, 0x0E                                        ; Assign [0x0E] to [AX] : (Legacy BIOS Function Code for BIOS Display)
                                                        ; Continue Code Execution:
        lodsb                                           ; Collect Single Byte from [DS:SI] and increment SI by 1 : ([AL] = [DS:SI]; inc [SI])
        or  al, al                                      ; Check Whether [AL] is [0x00]
        jz  .output16_char_array_done                   ; [AL] == [0x00] Proceed to Function:
        int 0x10                                        ; [AL] != [0x00] Continue to Display Hex->ASCII [CHAR]
        jmp .output16_char_array_loop                   ; Relocate [CS] to create an Infinite Loop...

        ;pop    ax                                      ; Restore [AX] Register from [STACK_SPACE]
        ret                                             ; Return to Calling [CS] Memory Position...

我想指出,我已经评论了 push axpop ax,因为在这个简单的示例中不需要这些说明。虽然,(题外话)这些指令只是将内存堆栈存储 (push) and/or 恢复 (pop) 到 AX 寄存器。

mov ah, 0x0E 这非常简单...它将值 0x0E 分配给 AH 这是 int 0x10Teletype Output Function

lodsb 这是一种更有效的执行方式:

mov    al,    BYTE    [SI]           ; Assign Single [BYTE] from [SI] to [AL]
inc    si                            ; Increment [SI] by 1 equivalent to [SI]++

or al, al 检查 [AL] 是否等于 0x00。这是字符流的 NULL 终止字符。

jz .output16_char_array_done 如果 [AL] 等于 0x00 那么在 .output16_char_array_done 处执行代码...如果 [AL]等于0x00继续执行代码...

jmp .output16_char_array_loop 循环迭代某个function/handle而不使用[=34]的简单方法=] 指令(loop 需要更多的硬件资源来执行,因此尽量避免使用此指令,除非它在 ​​ 您的 特定情况下更有效。

ret 一个简单的指令 return 到前一个(调用)内存地址。

int 0x10这是BIOS Interrupt Handle for Video Services