WebRTC:确定所选的 ICE 候选者

WebRTC: Determine the chosen ICE candidate

我有一个 webrtc 应用程序,假设有两个客户端(client1client2),有什么方法可以找出 client1 给出的 ICE 候选被使用client2 反之亦然?因为,每次找出这个,我都必须在两个客户端上使用 wireshark,我认为阅读 sdp 可能会有所帮助,但我错了,因为它给出了所有可能的候选人......

场景: client1 的所有 UDP 端口被阻止(为了测试目的而阻止了我)。
Client1 的 SDP:

a=rtcp:49407 IN IP4 <client1's IP>
a=candidate:3864409487 1 udp 2122194687 <client1's IP> 49407 typ host generation 0 // this would never work, since the udp ports are blocked...
a=candidate:3864409487 2 udp 2122194687 <client1's IP> 49407 typ host generation 0
a=candidate:2832583039 1 tcp 1518214911 <client1's IP> 0 typ host tcptype active generation 0
a=candidate:2832583039 2 tcp 1518214911 <client1's IP> 0 typ host tcptype active generation 0
a=candidate:973648460 1 udp 25042687 <TURN server IP> 64790 typ relay raddr <Proxy IP> rport 39963 generation 0


我编写并测试了下面的代码,适用于最新版本的 firefox 和 chrome,getConnectionDetails returns 一个解决连接细节的承诺:

function getConnectionDetails(peerConnection){

  var connectionDetails = {};   // the final result object.

  if(window.chrome){  // checking if chrome

    var reqFields = [   'googLocalAddress',
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        var filtered = stats.result().filter(function(e){return e.id.indexOf('Conn-audio')==0 && e.stat('googActiveConnection')=='true'})[0];
        if(!filtered) return reject('Something is wrong...');
        reqFields.forEach(function(e){connectionDetails[e.replace('goog', '')] = filtered.stat(e)});

  }else{  // assuming it is firefox
    return peerConnection.getStats(null).then(function(stats){
        var selectedCandidatePair = stats[Object.keys(stats).filter(function(key){return stats[key].selected})[0]]
          , localICE = stats[selectedCandidatePair.localCandidateId]
          , remoteICE = stats[selectedCandidatePair.remoteCandidateId];
        connectionDetails.LocalAddress = [localICE.ipAddress, localICE.portNumber].join(':');
        connectionDetails.RemoteAddress = [remoteICE.ipAddress, remoteICE.portNumber].join(':');
        connectionDetails.LocalCandidateType = localICE.candidateType;
        connectionDetails.RemoteCandidateType = remoteICE.candidateType;
        return connectionDetails;


//usage example:


let pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection(cfg);
pc1.addEventListener('connectionstatechange', async (e) => {    
    if (pc1.connectionState === 'connected') {
        // Peers connected!
        let stats = await pc1.getStats();
        for (const value of stats.values()) {
            if(value.type=="local-candidate" || value.type=="remote-candidate")

这个问题很老了,但这是 2021 年可靠的方法! - 至少对我来说。

您可以使用 RTCIceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair() method which returns an RTCIceCandidatePair 对象(本地和远程 ice-candidate 对)。

示例: 从对等连接中获取用于发送媒体的选定候选对。

peerConnection.getSenders().map(sender => {
    const kindOfTrack = sender.track?.kind;
    if (sender.transport) {
        const iceTransport = sender.transport.iceTransport;
        const logSelectedCandidate = (e) => {
            const selectedCandidatePair = iceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair();
            console.log(`SELECTED ${kindOfTrack || 'unknown'} SENDER CANDIDATE PAIR`, selectedCandidatePair);
        iceTransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = logSelectedCandidate;
    } else {
        // retry at some time later

以上对于在对等连接对象上接收到的媒体的工作方式类似。 使用 RTCPeerConnection.getReceivers() 代替,在那种情况下