如何将一个长度为 n 的数组分成 k 个大小大致相等的子数组(在 C 中)?

How to divide an array of n length into k sub arrays that have approximately equal sizes (in C)?

我有一个大小为n的数组,想分成k个子数组,每个数组的大小必须大致相同。我想了一会儿,知道你必须使用两个 for 循环,但我很难实现这些 for 循环。


//Lets call the original integer array with size n: arr
// n is the size of arr
// k is the number of subarrays wanted

int size_of_subArray = n/k;
int left_over = n%k; // When n is not divisible by k
int list_of_subArrays[k][size_of_subArray + 1];

//Lets call the original integer array with size n: arr

for(int i = 0; i < k; i++){
   for(int j = 0; j < size_of_subArray; j++){
       list_of_subArrays[i][j] = arr[j];

我正在努力在 forloop 中获取正确的索引。




  1. 计算子数组大小时,必须向上取整
  2. arr的索引需要从0继续递增(即不是重置为0)


// Lets call the original integer array with size n: arr
//  n is the size of arr
//  k is the number of subarrays wanted

// round up the size of the subarray
int subsize = (n + (k - 1)) / k;

int list_of_subArrays[k][subsize];

int arridx = 0;
int subno = 0;

// process all elements in original array
while (1) {
    // get number of remaining elements to process in arr
    int remain = n - arridx;

    // stop when done
    if (remain <= 0)

    // clip remaining count to amount per sub-array
    if (remain > subsize)
        remain = subsize;

    // fill next sub-array
    for (int subidx = 0; subidx < remain; ++subidx, ++arridx)
        list_of_subArrays[subno][subidx] = arr[arridx];

    // advance to next sub-array


Yes this divides the arrays into n subarrays, but it doesn't divide it evenly. Say there was an array of size 10, and wanted to divide it into 9 subarrays. Then 8 subarrays will have 1 of original array's element, but one subarray will need to have 2 elements.


在你原来的问题中,你确实说:"and each array must have approximately the same size"。但是,这里有列表子数组的物理大小[仍然是向上舍入的值]。

但是,我可能会说 "evenly distributed" 之类的话来进一步阐明您的意图。也就是说,您希望最后一个 sub-array/bucket 到 而不是 是 "short" [大幅度]。


#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef DEBUG
#define dbgprt(_fmt...)     printf(_fmt)
#define dbgprt(_fmt...)     /**/

int arr[5000];

// Lets call the original integer array with size n: arr
//  n is the size of arr
//  k is the number of subarrays wanted

fnc2(int n,int k)
    // round up the size of the subarray
    int subsize = (n + (k - 1)) / k;

    int list_of_subArrays[k][subsize];

    dbgprt("n=%d k=%d subsize=%d\n",n,k,subsize);

    int arridx = 0;

    for (int subno = 0;  subno < k;  ++subno) {
        // get remaining number of sub-arrays
        int remsub = k - subno;

        // get remaining number of elements
        int remain = n - arridx;

        // get maximum bucket size
        int curcnt = subsize;

        // get projected remaining size for using this bucket size
        int curtot = remsub * curcnt;

        // if we're too low, up it
        if (curtot < remain)

        // if we're too high, lower it
        if (curtot > remain)

        // each bucket must have at least one
        if (curcnt < 1)
            curcnt = 1;

        // each bucket can have no more than the maximum
        if (curcnt > subsize)
            curcnt = subsize;

        // last bucket is the remainder
        if (curcnt > remain)
            curcnt = remain;

        dbgprt("  list[%d][%d] --> arr[%d] remain=%d\n",

        // fill next sub-array
        for (int subidx = 0; subidx < curcnt; ++subidx, ++arridx)
            list_of_subArrays[subno][subidx] = arr[arridx];
