打开发布模式后,无法将 UWP 应用程序中的 InkCanvas 内容保存到 SQLite 数据库中

Can not save InkCanvas Content in UWP App into a SQLite Datebase when Release Mode turned on

我在 UWP 应用程序中保存 InkCanvas 的内容时遇到问题。在调试模式下一切正常。发布模式无法保存

sqlite 数据库中的 blob 始终为空(在发布模式下)。


static public byte[] GetByteArray(InkCanvas CardInkCanvas) {
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

    // Write the ink strokes to the output stream.
    using(IOutputStream outputStream = ms.AsOutputStream()) {

    return ms.ToArray();

也许 UWP 专家可以帮助我 :)


I have a problem with the saving of the content of an InkCanvas in a UWP App. In Debug Mode it all works perfectly. In Release Mode, I cannot save it.

发布编译默认使用.Net Native。因此与调试模式相比有一些不同的行为。


static public async Task<byte[]> GetByteArray(InkCanvas CardInkCanvas) {
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

    // Write the ink strokes to the output stream.
    using(IOutputStream outputStream = ms.AsOutputStream()) {
        //Add await before async functions so that the async functions get executed before return.
        await CardInkCanvas.InkPresenter.StrokeContainer.SaveAsync(ms.AsOutputStream());
        await outputStream.FlushAsync();

    return ms.ToArray();