
BDD: Should I add multiple givens and outcomes to a single scenario or split scenarios based on outcome?

给定一个测试向第 3 方 API 发送消息的场景,我可以为消息的每个 属性 添加多个给定和结果到单个场景。这使得场景相当复杂。



Scenario 1: An order
  Given an order
  And that has order ID equal to 42
  And that has affiliate reference equal to foo
  When the conversion for the order is sent
  Then the conversion has an ID equal to 42
  And the conversion has an affiliate ID equal to foo


Scenario 1: An order with a specific order ID
  Given an order that has order ID equal to 42
  When the conversion for the order is sent
  Then the conversion has an ID equal to 42

Scenario 2: An order with a specific affiliate reference
  Given an order that has affiliate reference equal to foo
  When the conversion for the order is sent
  Then the conversion has an affiliate ID equal to foo


如果他们自然而然地谈论具有特定 ID 和联属网络营销参考的订单,并且将这两件事放在一起,则可以将其放在一个场景中。您可能会听到他们在同一个子句中谈论这两件事,例如:

Bus: So, when we send the order for conversion, it should have the same ID and affiliate reference.

MvO: Can you give me an example of those? The ID and affiliate reference?

Bus: Sure, an ID is a simple integer, so, 42, and the affiliate reference is the name of our affiliate, so something like 'Foo'.

(顺便说一句,如果可以的话,请使用真实的会员名称 - 如果您遗漏了什么,企业更容易发现!)

当我们将其转换为 Gherkin 时,语言尽可能自然 (I wrote a blog post on this),我们得到如下内容:

Given an order with ID 42 and affiliate reference "foo"
When we send the order for conversion
Then the conversion should have the same ID and affiliate reference.



首先,他们可能会用主动语态(我们发送命令)而不是被动语态(命令已发送)来表达 "when",这样更容易看出谁在做什么。这在具有多个角色的场景中尤为重要,可以帮助我们思考谁或什么触发了结果。 (Here's a blog post about tenses and voices in BDD.)

其次,你有机会质疑他们! "Are there any orders which don't have affiliate references? Do all orders have IDs like that, or do you have some old orders with old-style IDs floating around in the system?" 等等。如果您想不出容易提出的问题,请带上测试人员。测试人员非常善于思考要问的问题。 (I wrote a blog post on this, too.)


如果您的企业实际上对围绕 API 做什么的对话不感兴趣,那么 不要将基于 Gherkin 的工具用于 API 测试.你可以维护 a little DSL in plain old XUnit 比用英语容易得多。

