AWS 弹性搜索服务 index_create_block_exception

AWS ElasticSearchService index_create_block_exception

在增加集群大小并看到 index_create_block_exception 后,我正在尝试在 AWS ElasticSearch 集群中创建新索引。我该如何纠正这个问题?我尝试搜索但没有得到确切的答案。谢谢你。

curl -XPUT 'http://<aws_es_endpoint>/optimus/'

{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"index_create_block_exception","reason":"blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/10/cluster create-index blocked (api)];"}],"type":"index_create_block_exception","reason":"blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/10/cluster create-index blocked (api)];"},"status":403}


For t2 instances, when the JVMMemoryPressure metric exceeds 92%, Amazon ES triggers a protection mechanism by blocking all write operations to prevent the cluster from getting into red status. When the protection is on, write operations will fail with a ClusterBlockException error, new indexes cannot be created, and the IndexCreateBlockException error will be thrown.

恐怕 issue 还在。

如果 运行 磁盘空间不足 space,您也会收到此错误。

这当然不会在增加集群大小之后发生,但是如果你突然得到这个错误,那么值得检查all 您的实例还有剩余存储空间 - 即不要查看 总可用存储空间 space 图表,而是查看 最小可用存储空间 space一个。