Django-如何将 'autonumber' 列添加到视图创建的表中?

Django- how to add 'autonumber' column to tables created by view?

我有一个 Django 项目,其中我的一个 views 正在根据数据库中存储的信息显示许多 table。 view定义如下:

def pipeline(request):
    tables = []
    def make_table(detailed_status, projects, status_view=False, first_table=False):
        table_context_map = {
            Project.ds2: {'fields': [['date added',1], ['site visit date',1], ['initial exc VAT',1]]},
            # Similar lines to populate the tables with data from the database
        table_context = table_context_map[detailed_status]
        table_context['fields'] = [['project name',1], ['town',1], ['postcode',1], ['contact name',1]] + table_context['fields']
        table = render_to_string('.../....html', table_context)
    return render(request, 'abc.html', context)

我想做的是,在由此 view 创建的每个 table 的列中,并在该列中为 'autonumber' 中的每一行插入一个 'autonumber' =41=]。 table 将根据数据库查询动态填充,每当 view 为 运行 并且网页已加载时,我只想对每个 [=41= 中的项目列表进行编号] 创建时。

我该怎么做?我认识 Python Django,因此非常感谢任何帮助或指导。


当前在网页中显示这些 table 的 HTML 部分如下所示:

<div class="content">
    {% block tables %}
        {% for table in tables %}

                {# Only shows table headers on first table (css first of type on multisection thead) #}


        {% endfor %}
    {% endblock tables %}


传递到 render_to_string(...) 视图的文件的 HTML 具有以下结构:

{% load getters money_handling staticfiles utilities %}

{% if projects %}
    <div class="table-container m-t-lg">

        <table class="multisection pipeline left">
            <tr class="sub-summary">
                <th colspan="4"><a href="?detailed_status={{detailed_status}}"><h3 class="p-l-sm">{{detailed_status_str}}</h3></a></th>
                {% if total_i %}<th>Initial exc VAT: {{total_i|money:"£"}}</th>{% endif %}
                {% if total_u %}<th>Latest exc VAT: {{total_u|money:"£"}}</th>{% else %}
                {% endif %}
        <table class="multisection pipeline left m-b-xl">
            <tr class="summary">
                <th style="width: 3em;"></th>
                {% for field in fields %}
                    <th class="text-sm p-l-sm p-t-sm p-b-sm" style="width:{{widths|getval:forloop.counter0}}">
                    {% if field.1 %}
                        {% if sort == field.0 and not reverse %}
                            <a href="?sort=-{{field.0}}&detailed_status={{detailed_status}}">{{field.0}}</a>
                        {% else %}
                            <a href="?sort={{field.0}}&detailed_status={{detailed_status}}">{{field.0}}</a>
                        {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                    {% endif %}
                    {# Make all have the same number of columns (8) #}
                    {% if forloop.last %}
                        {% for i in ',,,,,,,,' %}
                            {% if forloop.counter|add:forloop.parentloop.counter0 < 11 %}

                            {% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}
                        {% if detailed_status == "ds4"|ds %}
                        {% endif %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% with user.employee.full_name|is:'Nick Ross' as summary_link %}

            {% for project in projects %}
                <tr data-project-id="{{}}" class="even {% if == 2 %} col{% endif %}">
                    {% with initial_details=project.initial_details survey=project.survey  %}
                        {# Open lightbox #}
                            {# ERF(22/11/2016 @ 1450) Add a counter to display table row numbers #}
                            {% if user.is_superuser %}
                                <a class="gallery-loader" data-project-id="{{}}"><i class="icon info"></i></a>

                                {% if forloop.first and first_table %}
                                    <div id="iframe_gallery_wrap">

                                        <a href="#p1" class="gallery">
                                            <div id="p1">
                                                <iframe class="lightbox-content" src="{% url 'projects:description' %}report/" width="1200" height="800" id="p1" style="border:none;" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

可能 forloop.counter 就是您要找的。


{% for data in data_list %}
    <li>{{ forloop.counter }}</li>
{% endfor %}


    {% load getters money_handling staticfiles utilities %}

{% if projects %}
    <div class="table-container m-t-lg">

        <table class="multisection pipeline left">
            <tr class="sub-summary">
                <th colspan="4"><a href="?detailed_status={{detailed_status}}"><h3 class="p-l-sm">{{detailed_status_str}}</h3></a></th>
                {% if total_i %}<th>Initial exc VAT: {{total_i|money:"£"}}</th>{% endif %}
                {% if total_u %}<th>Latest exc VAT: {{total_u|money:"£"}}</th>{% else %}
                {% endif %}
        <table class="multisection pipeline left m-b-xl">
            <tr class="summary">
                <th style="width: 3em;"></th>
                <th>Number</th> @someone2088 
                {% for field in fields %}
                    <th class="text-sm p-l-sm p-t-sm p-b-sm" style="width:{{widths|getval:forloop.counter0}}">
                    {% if field.1 %}
                        {% if sort == field.0 and not reverse %}
                            <a href="?sort=-{{field.0}}&detailed_status={{detailed_status}}">{{field.0}}</a>
                        {% else %}
                            <a href="?sort={{field.0}}&detailed_status={{detailed_status}}">{{field.0}}</a>
                        {% endif %}
                    {% else %}
                    {% endif %}
                    {# Make all have the same number of columns (8) #}
                    {% if forloop.last %}
                        {% for i in ',,,,,,,,' %}
                            {% if forloop.counter|add:forloop.parentloop.counter0 < 11 %}

                            {% endif %}
                        {% endfor %}
                        {% if detailed_status == "ds4"|ds %}
                        {% endif %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% with user.employee.full_name|is:'Nick Ross' as summary_link %}

            {% for project in projects %}
                <tr data-project-id="{{}}" class="even {% if == 2 %} col{% endif %}">
                    {% with initial_details=project.initial_details survey=project.survey  %}
                        {# Open lightbox #}
                        <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td> @someone2088
                            {# ERF(22/11/2016 @ 1450) Add a counter to display table row numbers #}
                            {% if user.is_superuser %}
                                <a class="gallery-loader" data-project-id="{{}}"><i class="icon info"></i></a>

                                {% if forloop.first and first_table %}
                                    <div id="iframe_gallery_wrap">

                                        <a href="#p1" class="gallery">
                                            <div id="p1">
                                                <iframe class="lightbox-content" src="{% url 'projects:description' %}report/" width="1200" height="800" id="p1" style="border:none;" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>