将 LastBootUpTime 从 WMI 转换为更友好的格式

Convert LastBootUpTime from WMI to a more friendly format

我有一个 IronPython 脚本可以从 WMI 收集一些信息。我要收集的其中一项是来自 Win32_OperatingSystemLastBootUpTime。我可以使用以下方式获取信息:

import clr


from System.Management.Automation import (
    PSMethod, RunspaceInvoke
RUNSPACE = RunspaceInvoke()

def wmi(query):
    return [dict([(prop.Name, prop.Value) for prop in psobj.Properties]) for psobj in RUNSPACE.Invoke(query)]

def to_ascii(s):
    # ignore non-ascii chars
    return s.encode('ascii','ignore')

operating_system = wmi('Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -Namespace "root\CIMV2"')[0]
last_boot        = to_ascii(operating_system.get('LastBootUpTime'))

print last_boot



IronPython 中有没有办法将此 "timestamp" 转换为更友好的格式?

使用 ManagementDateTimeConverter class to convert to a .net object. That field in particular is a datetime so you'll want to use ToDateTime() 中找到的方法。您只需添加对 System.Management 程序集的引用。

from System.Management import ManagementDateTimeConverter
print ManagementDateTimeConverter.ToDateTime(last_boot)