dotnet 实用程序 (dnu) 是否已退休?什么取代了全局命令?
Are the dotnet utilities (dnu) retired? What replaces the global commands?
Following the sphinx-autoapi
integration with docfx
guide,他们建议使用以下命令安装 docfx
使用 DNU 安装 DocFX(已弃用?)
dnu commands install docfx
DNU 退休了吗 - 我刚刚结束使用 chocolatey,但似乎全局命令已在 .NET Core 中删除命令行界面。希望有人可以确认 what happened to .NET Utilities。
使用 Chocolatey 安装 DocFX
choco install docfx
关于迁移的 dnvm repository says it's obsolete, but the dotnet repository isn't really providing a command translation. This Microsoft article 说没有等效的 dotnet install
Installing dependencies
As of v1, the .NET Core CLI tools don't have an install command for installing dependencies. In order to install a package from NuGet, you would need to add it as a dependency to your project.json file and then run dotnet restore.
这个 确认它是 obsolete/replaced,但是 dnu/dnx 仍然可以使用 。
Following the sphinx-autoapi
integration with docfx
guide,他们建议使用以下命令安装 docfx
使用 DNU 安装 DocFX(已弃用?)
dnu commands install docfx
DNU 退休了吗 - 我刚刚结束使用 chocolatey,但似乎全局命令已在 .NET Core 中删除命令行界面。希望有人可以确认 what happened to .NET Utilities。
使用 Chocolatey 安装 DocFX
choco install docfx
关于迁移的 dnvm repository says it's obsolete, but the dotnet repository isn't really providing a command translation. This Microsoft article 说没有等效的 dotnet install
Installing dependencies
As of v1, the .NET Core CLI tools don't have an install command for installing dependencies. In order to install a package from NuGet, you would need to add it as a dependency to your project.json file and then run dotnet restore.