如何将从 PouchDB 附件中恢复的 Blob 显示为 ngSrc?

How to show a recovered Blob from PouchDB attachment as ngSrc?

我很难在 PouchDB's Working with attachments Page 之后将 blob 显示为 ngSrc。我的相关 html 是:

<img src="" ng-src="{{$root.images.myImgNameX}}" alt="">


<img src="http://localhost:8100/fcba0867-bf49-4fe0-b4f2-3490bb65761f" ng-src="blob:http://localhost:8100/fcba0867-bf49-4fe0-b4f2-3490bb65761f" alt="">

但是没有显示图像。但是,如果我将 url 复制并粘贴到 ng-src 中,我可以看到图像。 我收到此错误:

:8100/#/app/news:1 Refused to load the image 'blob:http://localhost:8100/754f38af-0246-4b33-85c9-049f6d9ce1df' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "img-src 'self' data: *".

如何在我的 img 标签中使用 blob


我将 img-src 'self' blob: 添加到我的 <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy"> 标签