将 JSON 转换为 Android 捆绑包

Convert JSON to Android Bundle

我想将 JSON 字符串转换为 android 包。要求是将参数直接从服务器作为 JSON 而不是捆绑传递给 activity。如何将 JSON 字符串转换为 Android Bundle?请尽可能提供摘要代码。



// key for bundle ...
public static final JSON_STRING = "jsonString";

Intent intent = new Intent(A.this, B.class);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();

然后在B.class ...

Intent intent = getIntent();
Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
String jsonString = extras.getString(A.JSON_STRING);

more info about json and java

public static Bundle jsonStringToBundle(String jsonString){
    try {
        JSONObject jsonObject = toJsonObject(jsonString);
        return jsonToBundle(jsonObject);
    } catch (JSONException ignored) {

    return null;
public static JSONObject toJsonObject(String jsonString) throws JSONException {
    return new JSONObject(jsonString);
public static Bundle jsonToBundle(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    Iterator iter = jsonObject.keys();
        String key = (String)iter.next();
        String value = jsonObject.getString(key);
    return bundle;


/** Convert a JSON object to a Bundle that can be passed as the extras of                                          
 * an Intent. It passes each number as a double, and everything else as a                                          
 * String, arrays of those two are also supported. */                                                              
public static Bundle fromJson(JSONObject s) {                                                                      
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();                                                                                  

    for (Iterator<String> it = s.keys(); it.hasNext(); ) {                                                         
        String key = it.next();                                                                                    
        JSONArray arr = s.optJSONArray(key);                                                                       
        Double num = s.optDouble(key);                                                                             
        String str = s.optString(key);                                                                             

        if (arr != null && arr.length() <= 0)                                                                      
            bundle.putStringArray(key, new String[]{});                                                            

        else if (arr != null && !Double.isNaN(arr.optDouble(0))) {                                                 
            double[] newarr = new double[arr.length()];                                                            
            for (int i=0; i<arr.length(); i++)                                                                     
                newarr[i] = arr.optDouble(i);                                                                      
            bundle.putDoubleArray(key, newarr);                                                                    

        else if (arr != null && arr.optString(0) != null) {                                                        
            String[] newarr = new String[arr.length()];                                                            
            for (int i=0; i<arr.length(); i++)                                                                     
                newarr[i] = arr.optString(i);                                                                      
            bundle.putStringArray(key, newarr);                                                                    

        else if (!num.isNaN())                                                                                     
            bundle.putDouble(key, num);                                                                            

        else if (str != null)                                                                                      
            bundle.putString(key, str);                                                                            

            System.err.println("unable to transform json to bundle " + key);                                       

    return bundle;                                                                                                 

jaffa 的回答很好,但它只适用于 depth=1 JSON 对象。我通过添加对嵌套对象的支持对其进行了改进。

private static Bundle jsonStringToBundle(String jsonString) {
    try {
        JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString);
        return jsonToBundle(jsonObject);
    } catch (JSONException ignored) {}

    return null;

private static Bundle jsonToBundle(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException {
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    Iterator iter = jsonObject.keys();

    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        String key = (String)iter.next();
        String value = jsonObject.getString(key);
        Bundle bundleVal = jsonStringToBundle(value);

        if (bundleVal != null) {
            bundle.putBundle(key, bundleVal);
        } else {
            bundle.putString(key, value);

    return bundle;


Bundle bundle = jsonStringToBundle("{...}");