
How to run prediction model

SAS 中是否有与 R 函数 predict(model, data) 等价的函数?

例如,您将如何将下面的模型应用于响应变量 "Age" 未知的大型测试数据集?

proc reg data=sashelp.class;
    model Age = Height Weight ;

我知道您可以从结果 window 中提取公式 Age = Intercept + Height(Estimate_height) + Weight(Estimate_weight) 并手动预测 "Age"未知的观察结果,但这不是很有效。

SAS 自己做这件事。只要模型有足够的数据点继续下去,它就会输出预测值。我使用过 proc glm,但您可以使用任何模型过程来创建这种输出。

/* this is a sample dataset */
data mydata;
input age weight dataset $;
1 10 mydata
2 11 mydata
3 12 mydata
4 15 mydata
5 12 mydata

/* this is a test dataset. It needs to have all of the variables that you'll use in the model */
data test;
input weight dataset $;
6 test
7 test
10 test
/* append (add to the bottom) the test to the original dataset */
proc append data=test base=mydata force; run;

/* you can look at mydata to see if that worked, the dependent var (age) should be '.' */
/* do the model */
proc glm data=mydata;
model age = weight/p clparm; /* these options after the '/' are to show predicte values in results screen - you don't need it */
output out=preddata predicted=pred lcl=lower ucl=upper; /* this line creates a dataset with the predicted value for all observations */

/* look at the dataset (preddata) for the predicted values */
proc print data=preddata;
where dataset='test';