连接被拒绝:从 Iphone 到 windows 的 ADB 连接

Connection refused: ADB connection from Iphone to windows

我正在尝试构建一个适合 Android 佩戴的表盘。 Android wear 是一个模拟器,我的设备是 iPhone 通过 USB 连接到我的 windows 笔记本电脑

我已按照以下说明进行操作 link

https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/adb.html , 根据验证的设备兼容性 https://www.android.com/wear/check/ 并且还按照@ adb connection over tcp not working now 的回答进行了回复,但是我收到以下错误

无法连接到:5555:无法连接:5555:没有连接 可以做出选择,因为目标机器主动拒绝了它。 (10061)

Actively refused it means that the host sent a reset instead of an ack when you tried to connect. It is therefore not a problem in your code. Either there is a firewall blocking the connection or the process that is hosting the service is not listening on that port. You may also want to check these SO posts: Trouble debugging android wear over bluetooth - Unable to connect to localhost and No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it? which also stated that the machine exists but that it has no services listening on the specified port, or there is a firewall stopping you. You may check出来了。

谢谢。通过一些研究,我能够弄清楚 iPhone 可能无法使用可穿戴模拟器,因此我决定将我的设备和可穿戴设备都用作模拟器。虽然这很困难,但我能够让我的两个模拟器通过下面的 link Pairing Android and Wear emulators and https://kennethmascarenhas.wordpress.com/2014/08/19/developing-for-android-wear-with-emulators/?utm_source=Android%20Weekly&utm_campaign=a97f04efe2-Android_Weekly_116&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4eb677ad19-a97f04efe2-337259209 对身份验证进行微小更改,我已将其作为评论包含在 Whosebug post