fdcu ylim 在绘图包中不起作用:hydroTSM - 对数 y 轴

fdcu ylim doesn't work in plot package: hydroTSM - logaritmic y-axis

我正在尝试使用 fdcu.matrix 函数使用包 hydroTSM 绘制流量持续时间曲线。不幸的是,我无法设法增加或减少 y 轴长度。我用 ylim=c(lownumber,highnumber).


当这不起作用时,我尝试将包复制粘贴到 R 中,这样我就可以 运行 它作为一个函数并对其进行调整......但是 fdcu.matrix 不幸的是没有' t 运行 没有 require(hydroTSM)

(在 https://github.com/cran/hydroTSM/blob/master/R/fdcu.R 可用)

如何手动或自动将 ylim 调整到数据范围..?



structure(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 6.45, 6.45, 6.45, 6.45, 6.372, 6.372, 6.529, 7.09, 3.8, 8.015, 8.277, 9.361, 10.41, 10.705, 9.548, 8.811, 9.176, 8.631, 8.542, 8.365, 8.189, 8.102, 7.588, 7.42, 7.254, 7.09, 7.008, 6.927, 6.847, 6.767, 6.687, 6.687, 6.687, 6.687, 6.847, 6.927, 1.008, 6.927, 7.09, 7.758, 8.277, 7.929, 7.843, 7.673, 7.588, 7.588, 7.588, 7.588, 7.588, 7.42, 7.42, 8.811, 9.927, 8.631, 8.189, 7.673, 7.42, 7.254, 7.008, 7.008, 17.397, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, 16.782, 15.82), .Dim = c(20L, 5L), .Dimnames = list(NULL, c("DayOfYear", "1970", "1971", "1972", "1973")))

# Plot with multiple flow duration curves & legend:

fdcu.matrix(m.fdc01[,-1], lband=m.fdc01[,-1], uband=m.fdc01[,-1], sim=m.fdc[,-1], plot=TRUE, 
        main ="FDC station 1LA04:1970-1978", xlab="% Time flow equalled or exceeded", 
        ylab="Q, [m3/s]", ylim=c(1,50),yat=c(0.01,0.02,0.05, 0.1,0.2,0.5, 1,2,5,10,20,50,100),
        bands.col = "white", col=col_matsel, lwd=mat_lwd,leg.txt="",
 legend("bottomleft",legendtextsel,col=col_matsel, lwd=4, y.intersp=1,bty="n",cex=1)

我觉得这是一个错误。我建议您联系开发商。当fdcu.matrix()在算法中使用fdcu()时,fdcu.matrix()并没有把ylim的信息给fdcu()。您可以通过复制原始代码并仅删除一个术语来轻松制作 modifid fdcu.matrix()

运行 fdcu.matrix 并复制输出(即原始代码)。

fdcu.matrix2 <- ""paste"" 并删除参数,ylim

fdcu.matrix2 <- 
function (x, lband, uband, sim, lQ.thr = 0.7, hQ.thr = 0.2, plot = TRUE, 
    log = "y", main = "Flow Duration Curve", xlab = "% Time flow equalled or exceeded", 
    ylab = "Q, [m3/s]", ylim, yat = c(0.01, 0.1, 1), xat = c(0.01, ...
                        ^^^^^ delete!!

fdcu.matrix2(m.fdc01[,-1], lband=m.fdc01[,-1], uband=m.fdc01[,-1], sim=m.fdc01[,-1], 
      plot=TRUE, main ="fdcu.matrix2_test", xlab="xlab", ylab="Q, [m3/s]", 
      ylim=c(1,50), yat=c(0.01,0.02,0.05, 0.1,0.2,0.5, 1,2,5,10,20,50),
      bands.col="white", leg.txt="", leg.cex=0.5, leg.pos="auto", 
      cex.axis=0.7, thr.shw=FALSE)

  # [note] yat and pretty(ylim) are ylabels

  # [note2 (edited)]
  # when log = "y", ylim[1] is disregarded and 0.01 is used instead of it.