初学者 Redis 命令

Beginner Redis Command

我正在浏览 Redis 上的 tutorial 并遇到了一个没有意义的命令。从我下面的代码中,我得到了一个肯定仍然存在的密钥的 -2 生存时间 return 值。我的代码不应该 return 编辑 -1 永不过期吗?


Redis can be told that a key should only exist for a certain length of time. This is accomplished with the EXPIRE and TTL commands.

SET resource:lock "Redis Demo" EXPIRE resource:lock 120

This causes the key resource:lock to be deleted in 120 seconds. You can test how long a key will exist with the TTL command. It returns the number of seconds until it will be deleted.

TTL resource:lock => 113 // after 113s TTL resource:lock => -2

The -2 for the TTL of the key means that the key does not exist (anymore). A -1 for the TTL of the key means that it will never expire. Note that if you SET a key, its TTL will be reset.

SET resource:lock "Redis Demo 1"
EXPIRE resource:lock 120
TTL resource:lock => 119
SET resource:lock "Redis Demo 2"
TTL resource:lock => -1

这是我在交互式终端中输入的代码。我的假设是第 3 行应该返回 -1,表示永不过期。我从来没有设置过期时间,所以我不知道为什么我会返回 -2。

> SET loggedIn "True"  
> TTL logggedIn   
(integer) -2  
> GET loggedIn  

您有一个拼写错误:您在尝试获取 logggedIn

的 TTL 时设置了一个名为 loggedIn 的密钥