Unity android 标记的推送通知出现 oneSignal 错误

Unity android oneSignal error on tagged push notification

我可以从 oneSignal 网络面板发送推送通知,但不能通过我的应用程序发送。 错误是

Segment or tag targeting requires a valid App REST API Key.

好的,我有我的 REST API 密钥,但我无法在整个文档中找到如何使用它...谢谢

Specific Devices Usage 中关于创建通知方法所述:

This method requires an application REST API Key when using include_segments or filters, which is available in Keys & IDs.

NEVER use your REST API key in client code, it is intended for use on your system or server only. Add the REST API Key to the HTTP 'Authorization' header as basic authentication.

您可能还想查看 Keys & IDs 中的讨论,了解有关使用您的密钥的说明。如前所述,

To use your key, add an HTTP header with the key Authorization and the value Basic REST_API_KEY, where you should replace REST_API_KEY with your actual APP REST API key.

The keys for all your apps are also available all together within the Account section.
