在 orgmode 中用一个命令折叠最低级别的普通列表?

Collapse lowest level of plain lists with one command in orgmode?

我想使用 orgmode 来编写一个包含一系列选择题的简单考试。我想到的结构是这样的:

* Multiple Choice 

1. Who was the founder of rationalism?
   a) Locke 
   b) Copernicus
   c) Descartes
   d) Plato
      - C

2. Locke believed that simple ideas, as opposed to complex ideas, came from?
   a) sensation
   b) memory
   c) reflection
   d) faith
      - A

其中最低级别(破折号后)是正确答案。我的想法是,我应该能够将它们折叠起来,仅导出可见文本以进行测试,然后导出包含不可见文本以进行带钥匙的考试。但是,我只能通过手动将光标放在 d) 项上并点击选项卡来完成此操作。这对五个人或十个人来说没有问题,但对数百人来说就很乏味了。有执行此操作的程序吗?

到目前为止我尝试过的是将 org-cycle-include-plain-lists 设置为集成,然后使用各种隐藏(或显示)子级别,但我从来没有完全得到我正在寻找的结果,就像这样:

* Multiple Choice 

1. Who was the founder of rationalism?
   a) Locke 
   b) Copernicus
   c) Descartes
   d) Plato...

2. Locke believed that simple ideas, as opposed to complex ideas, came from?
   a) sensation
   b) memory
   c) reflection
   d) faith...  


我能够通过使用标签获得您正在寻找的内容。我不得不将答案放在不同的标题中并通过 C-c-C-q

#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: answer

* Multiple Choice 

** Who was the founder of rationalism?
   a) Locke 
   b) Copernicus
   c) Descartes
   d) Plato
*** C                                    :answer:

** Locke believed that simple ideas, as opposed to complex ideas, came from?
   a) sensation
   b) memory
   c) reflection
   d) faith
*** A                                    :answer:

虽然@MisterSpock 的答案有效,但它删除了问题的编号,这在测试中是可取的。因此,另一种方法是使用抽屉,可以在选项中切换导出,例如

#+Options: d:nil

* Multiple Choice 

1. Who was the founder of rationalism?
   a) Locke 
   b) Copernicus
   c) Descartes
   d) Plato
   - C

2. Locke believed that simple ideas, as opposed to complex ideas, came   from?
   a) sensation
   b) memory
   c) reflection
   d) faith
   - A