如何在 vb.net 中随机生成一个大整数?

How to Random a biginteger in vb.net?

我在生成随机数时遇到问题, 例如我想生成一个介于 2 到 579018135005309


我在 vb.net 中尝试随机函数,但它无法计算 BigInteger

Function RandomNumber(ByVal min As BigInteger, ByVal max As BigInteger) As BigInteger
     Static Generate As System.Random = New System.Random()

     Return Generate.Next(min, max)
 End Function



此答案的一部分来自上面评论中的link(C# A random BigInt generator),但扩展到要求它们在一定范围内。


Public Function GenerateRandom(min as biginteger, max as biginteger) As BigInteger

    Dim bigint As BigInteger

        ' find the range of number (so we can generate #s from 0 --> diff)
        Dim range as BigInteger = max - min

        ' create random bigint fitting for the range
        Dim bytes As Byte() = range.ToByteArray()
        Using rng As New RNGCryptoServiceProvider()
        End Using

        ' ensure positive number (remember we're using 0 --> diff)
        bytes(bytes.Length - 1) = bytes(bytes.Length - 1) And CByte(&H7f)

        ' add minimum to this positive number so that the number is now 
        ' a candiate for being between min&max
        bigint = min + New BigInteger(bytes)

        ' since we now only have a random number within a certain number of
        ' bytes it could be out of range. If so, just try again.

    Loop While (bigint > max)

    ' we have a number in the given range!
    return bigint 

End Function