尝试安装 .xpi 时附加组件与 Firefox 不兼容

Add-on not compatible with Firefox upon .xpi install attempt

我正在尝试发布我的第一个 Firefox 扩展,但在安装时遇到了问题。

我用jpm xpi签了包裹。但是,当我尝试安装 .xpi[=​​39=] 文件时,出现错误:

[extension name] could not be installed because it is not compatible with Firefox Developer Edition 52.0a2

我也在消费版 Firefox 50.0 中尝试过。

当前 em 个标签:

<em:minVersion>0.9</em:minVersion> <em:maxVersion>1.0+</em:maxVersion>




我当前的 XPI 文件已托管 here

`<?xml version="1.0"?>

<RDF xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"

  <Description about="urn:mozilla:install-manifest">

<!-- Target Application this extension can install into,
         with minimum and maximum supported versions. -->

      <!-- Firefox's UUID -->

  <!-- Front End MetaData -->
  <!-- My_Theme -->
  <em:name>Stop Normalizing</em:name>
  <em:description>my extension description</em:description>
  <em:creator>my name</em:creator>
  <em:homepageURL>my url</em:homepageURL>
  <em:aboutURL>my website URL</em:aboutURL>

  <!-- Front End Integration Hooks (used by Theme Manager)-->



您正在制作 Firefox Add-on SDK 扩展。 install.rdf 应该在您从 package.json file. The install.rdf file that is shown above appears to have been copied from the example on this page 执行 jpm xpi 时自动为您生成,然后手动编辑。换句话说,它似乎不是使用 jpm xpi 自动生成的。因此,它有错误。

允许jpm xpi自动创建一个新的install.rdf

您可能在您 运行 jpm xpi 所在的目录。我建议您从您 运行 jpm xpi 并允许 jpm xpi 从您的 package.json 自动生成 it/them。要在新 install.rdf 中获得基本相同的信息,您需要在 package.json[= 中添加或更改以下内容33=]:

"title": "Stop Normalizing Alt Right",
"fullName": "Stop Normalizing",
"version": "1.1.0",
"id": "lets@stopnormalizing.com",
"homepage": "http://www.stopnormalizing.com",
"author": "George Zola",