Symfony 在保存前检查实体不变性

Symfony checking entity invariant before saving


"A person must have an application for the current semester before being allocated"。

分配有很多学期周。学期周有一个学期。 分配有一个人。 申请1人

我的'code thought'是把这个加到分配实体里。显然是行不通的,因为在实体中使用实体管理器是错误的。

 * Invariant is that a person must have a valid application for the specified semester.
 * @ORM\PrePersist()
 * @ORM\PreUpdate()
 public function validatePersonApplication() {
    $semester = $this->getSemesterWeek()->getSemester();
    $existing_application = $em->getRepository("CamsBundle:Application")->findOneBy(
        'person' => $this->person,
        'semester' => $semester

  if (!is_object($existing_application))  {
      throw new Exception("Can't allocate a session to a person without an application.");


我按照 Vadim 的建议创建了一个服务。但是请注意,这对于将域扩展为 'symfony ensures there is a single instance' 并不是很好,因此作为业务逻辑一部分的任何瞬态数据都不能真正进入服务。

我仍然需要进入内核以使容器调用服务。我的 post-更新数据库事件侦听器。

运行 调试器,看起来好像只处理了一个 PrePersist 事件。所有操作均由一个函数触发。


 * Automatically update the updated time.
 * @ORM\PrePersist()
 * @ORM\PreUpdate()
public function updateUpdated() {
  $this->setUpdated(new DateTime());

  // Validate class

  global $kernel;

  if ('AppCache' == get_class($kernel)) {
    $kernel = $kernel->getKernel();

  $allocationValidator = $kernel->getContainer()->get('allocation_invariants');
  $allocationValidator->validatePersonApplication($this->semesterWeek, $this->person);

设置在 services.yml

  class: Interlated\CamsBundle\Services\AllocationInvariants
  arguments: ['@logger', '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager']

'service' 实现

namespace Interlated\CamsBundle\Services;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Exception;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Interlated\CamsBundle\Entity\SemesterWeek;
use Interlated\CamsBundle\Entity\Person;

class AllocationInvariants {

public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger, EntityManager $entityManger) {
  $this->logger = $logger;
  $this->entityManager = $entityManger;

 * Invariant is that a person must have a valid application for the specified semester.
 public function validatePersonApplication(SemesterWeek $semesterWeek, Person $person) {
   $semester = $semesterWeek->getSemester();
   $existing_application = $this->entityManager->getRepository("UnswCamsBundle:Application")->findOneBy(
    'person' => $person,
    'semester' => $semester

 if (!is_object($existing_application))  {
  throw new Exception("Can't allocate a session to a person without an application.");


 * Invariant is that the semester week must be for a semester that this course is allocated to.
 * It looks as though multiple PrePersist() annotations don't work. Only the first is being fired.
protected function _validateClassSession() {
    $semester = $this->getSemesterWeek()->getSemester();
    $courseSemesters = $this->classSession->getTeachingClass()->getCourse()->getSemesters();
    foreach($courseSemesters as $courseSemester) {
      if ($semester == $courseSemester) {return;}

    // Failed to match the course to the current semester.
    $course_semester_names = "";
    foreach($courseSemesters as $courseSemester) {
      $course_semester_names .= $courseSemester->getName() . " ";

    throw new Exception("Trying to make an allocation to a course that is not running in the specified semester. SemesterWeekNumber "
      . $this->semesterWeek->getNumber() . " with semester " . $semester->getName() . " The course is running in the following semesters : " . $course_semester_names);