计算 Firebase 云消息传递中某个主题的订阅者

Count subscribers of a topic in Firebase Cloud Messaging

我想用我的应用程序做的是:用户可以 select 不同的兴趣,一旦超过 ~5 个人对同一事物感兴趣,我想向他们发送通知。

我认为 Firebase + Topics 是一个不错的选择。


无法API检查一个主题有多少订阅者。 (看我的回答



  1. Using stored deviceIDs in your own DB, manually script to retrieve each users subscriptions.
  2. Already track in your own DB each users deviceIDs AND every topic they subscribe to.

虽然这两种方法都有很多问题。令人沮丧的主题 managmenet 在 FCM 控制台中尚不存在。我写了 Google FCM 云通知主题管理的功能请求,这是我得到的回复:

We're aware that many developers, such as yourself, would like to have this topic management. There's actually an existing feature request regarding this. However, I can't provide any details or timelines as to when this will be available.


复制为 curl。用它来获取订阅者列表
