Android 上的 idHTTP 错误 406 不可接受

Error 406 Not Acceptable with idHTTP on Android

我正在尝试使用 idHTTP 和 PHP 脚本 post 在 MySQL 数据库上插入。这是要插入数据库的 PHP 脚本:

    $mysqli = new mysqli($servidor, $usuario, $senha, $banco);

    // Caso algo tenha dado errado, exibe uma mensagem de erro
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) trigger_error(mysqli_connect_error());

    $iduser         = quoted_printable_decode($_POST['iduser']);
    $nome           = quoted_printable_decode($_POST['nome']);
    $data           = quoted_printable_decode($_POST['data']);
    $hora           = quoted_printable_decode($_POST['hora']);
    $mensagem       = quoted_printable_decode($_POST['mensagem']);
    $latitude       = quoted_printable_decode($_POST['latitude']);
    $longitude      = quoted_printable_decode($_POST['longitude']);
    $imagem         = $_FILES["imagem"]['tmp_name'];
    $tamanho        = $_FILES['imagem']['size'];

    header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] . " 200 OK"); 
    header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"');

    if ( $imagem != "none" )
        $fp = fopen($imagem, "rb");
        $conteudo = fread($fp, $tamanho);
        $conteudo = addslashes($conteudo);

        $queryInsercao = "INSERT INTO tabpainel (iduser, nome, data, hora, mensagem, latitude, longitude, imagem) VALUES ('$iduser', '$nome', '$data','$hora','$mensagem', '$latitude', '$longitude', '$conteudo')";

        mysqli_query($mysqli,$queryInsercao) or die("Algo deu errado ao inserir o registro. Tente novamente.");

        if (mysqli_affected_rows($mysqli) > 0)
                include 'baixarpainel.php';
                print utf8_encode("Não foi possível inserir o registro");
            print utf8_encode("Não foi possível carregar a imagem.");

在 Delphi 中,我使用的是:

      FormPHP := TIdMultiPartFormDataStream.Create;

      FormPHP.AddFile       ('imagem',    AImagem,    'image/jpeg');
      FormPHP.AddFormField  ('iduser',    AIDUser,    'utf-8');
      FormPHP.AddFormField  ('nome',      ANome,      'utf-8');
      FormPHP.AddFormField  ('data',      AData,      'utf-8');
      FormPHP.AddFormField  ('hora',      AHora,      'utf-8');
      FormPHP.AddFormField  ('mensagem',  AMensagem,  'utf-8');
      FormPHP.AddFormField  ('latitude',  '1');
      FormPHP.AddFormField  ('longitude', '1');

      Response := TStringStream.Create('',TEncoding.UTF8);

      HTTP:= TIdHTTP.Create(self);

在不得不更换托管公司之前,它一直运行良好。使用 Hostinger 还可以,但使用 Hostgator 则不行。使用 Hostgator,idHTTP 在 class EIdHTTPProtocalException 中引发异常,消息为:"HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable"。 Hostgator 支持已经禁用了可能导致问题的 mod_security

此异常仅发生在 Android。在 Windows 上使用相同的应用程序,效果很好。

更新:我试过另一件事。 PHP 脚本是这样的:

    // Conecta-se ao banco de dados MySQL
    $mysqli = new mysqli($servidor, $usuario, $senha, $banco);

    // Caso algo tenha dado errado, exibe uma mensagem de erro
    if (mysqli_connect_errno()) trigger_error(mysqli_connect_error());

    # Instanciando o XMLWriter
    $xml = new XMLWriter;

    # Definindo o encoding do XML
    $xml->startDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8');

    # Primeiro elemento do XML
    $xml->writeAttribute("version", "2.0");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "id");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "I4");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "iduser");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "String");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("Width", "30");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "nome");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "String");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("Width", "200");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "data");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "String");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("Width", "8");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "hora");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "String");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("Width", "5");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "mensagem");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "String");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("Width", "3000");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "latitude");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "r8");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "longitude");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "r8");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("attrname", "imagem");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("fieldtype", "bin.hex");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("subtype", "Binary");
            $xml->endElement(); //FIELDS
        $xml->endElement(); //METADATA

        # Query na tabela escolhida
        $rs_table = $mysqli->query("select * from tabpainel ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50");
        while($table = $rs_table->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC))
                # Transformando array em objeto
                $table = (object)$table;
                # Criando elemento tabela
                # Setando os atributos
                    $xml->writeAttribute("id", "$table->id");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("iduser", "$table->iduser");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("nome", "$table->nome");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("data", "$table->data");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("hora", "$table->hora");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("mensagem", "$table->mensagem");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("latitude", "$table->latitude");
                    $xml->writeAttribute("imagem", base64_encode("$table->imagem"));
        # Fechando o ROWDATA
    # Fechando o elemento DATAPACKET
    # Encerrando a conexao
    # Definindo cabecalho de saida
    header("content-type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
    # Imprimindo a saida do XML
    print $xml->outputMemory(true);

我用 http.get 接收 xml:

Http.HandleRedirects:= true;
Http.request.useragent := 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0; MAAU)';
MS.Text:= Http.get('');

这在 Android 上也很好用。问题仅在 Android 上仍然存在。

TIdHTTP 在所有平台上的工作方式完全相同,因为 Indy 使用单个 cross-platform 代码库。所以生成的HTTP请求在所有平台上应该是完全一样的。

当 HTTP 请求包含 Accept header 且未指定服务器能够在其中呈现响应的任何媒体类型时,会发生 HTTP 406 错误。Per RFC 2616 Section 14.1:

If no Accept header field is present, then it is assumed that the client accepts all media types. If an Accept header field is present, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the combined Accept field value, then the server SHOULD send a 406 (not acceptable) response.

您的 PHP 脚本正在发送一个 text/plain 响应,因此如果您发送一个 Accept header 不允许 text/plain 那么这可能会导致406 错误。听起来 Hostgator 比 Hostinger 更严格。

默认情况下,TIdHTTP 将其 Request.Accept 属性 设置为以下字符串值:


技术上允许所有媒体类型通过 */*,但优先级低于其他一些媒体类型。但是如果服务器正确实现 Accept 处理,那么默认值应该仍然足以允许 text/plain 响应。

您需要联系 Hostgator 并与他们讨论问题,因为问题出在他们,而不是您。

话虽这么说,因为您知道服务器响应始终是 text/plain,您可以在调用 Post() 之前将以下内容添加到您的代码中:

HTTP.Request.Accept := 'text/plain';
HTTP.Request.AcceptCharset := 'utf-8';


在 Windows 上,应用程序工作正常,当我尝试使用 HTTP.GET 时,我想这不可能是服务器端的问题,但应我的要求。然后,我开始使用以下代码在 Windows 和 Android 上打开请求和响应的 headers:

Astr.Add('Response text: ' + Http.Response.ResponseText);
Astr.Add('Raw Headers Response: ' + HTTP.Response.RawHeaders.Text);
Astr.Add('Raw Headers Request: ' + HTTP.Request.RawHeaders.Text);

这是我在 Android:


Response text: HTTP/1.1 406 Not Acceptable

Raw Headers Response: Server: nginx/1.10.2
Date: ...
Content-Type: text/html;
Connection: keep-alive

Raw Headers Request: Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------(somenumbers)
Content-Length: 0 Host: myhost Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8 Accept-Encoding: identity
User-Agent: ...

这是 Windows


Response text: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Raw Headers Request: Server: nginx/1.10.2 Date: ... Content-Type: application/xml Connection: close Vary: Accept-Encoding,User-Agent

Raw Headers Request: Connection: keep-alive

Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------(numebrs) Content-Length: 0 Host: myhost Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,/;q=0.8 User-Agent: ...

同一应用在不同平台上发送不同的 headers 请求。在 Android 上,idHTTP 发送了一个 Accept-Encoding,而在 Windows 上则没有。所以我尝试在 HTTP.POST 之前添加: Http.Request.AcceptEncoding:= '*'; 并且成功了!正如预期的那样,我收到了 xml。

我不知道为什么 idHTTP 会更改请求 Accept-Encoding,但我必须指定另一个,因为 MDN 定义我选择了这个:


Matches any content encoding not already listed in the header. This is the default value if the header is not present. It doesn't mean that any algorithm is supported; merely that no preference is expressed.


我刚刚将 Request -> UserAgent 设置为:

Mozilla/5.0 (Android 4.4; 手机; rv:41.0) Gecko/41.0 Firefox/41.0
