如何使用超声波传感器和 Arduino 控制机械臂

How to control a robot arm using ultrasonic sensor and Arduino

我正在研究 arduino 和 HC_SR04。我搜索了大部分文档,但都没有解决我们的问题。

我的问题是如何读取从库 <NewPing> 中获取的值。

#define echopin 11 //set echopin
#define trigpin 12 //set trigpin

#include <Servo.h>;

Servo robotArm;

#include <NewPing.h>

#define MAX_DISTANCE 400

NewPing sonar(trigpin, echopin, MAX_DISTANCE);

int distance;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  robotArm.attach(9); //attach our servo

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  robotArm.write(90); //always set to servo 90 to position it to the middle
  //codes of ultrasonic sensor
  if (distance <= 20) //if ultrasonic sensor detects on obstacle less than 20 cm in 90 degree angle
    robotArm.write(0); //dervo rotates at full speed to the right

    robotArm.write(90); //else servo stays at 90 degree angle
  Serial.print(distance); //print distance
  Serial.println("cm"); //print distance unit cm

而不是 distance=digitalRead(echopin); 尝试使用 distance = sonar.ping_cm()