使用路由参数在 API PUT 调用中出现 404 错误

Getting 404 error on API PUT call with route param

这是 API url 我想在我的 Express 应用程序中点击:

// Dashboard API to update account
app.post('/api/accounts/:id', accountsController.update);

我的完整账户模块有Accounts factory,下面具体描述:

(function() {

    var app = angular.module('app-accounts',
    ['ngAnimate', 'ngResource', 'account-directives'])

        ['$scope', '$resource', 'Accounts',
        function($scope, $resource, Accounts) {

        var vm = $scope;
            vm.$parent.modal = false;

        var Account = $resource('/api/accounts');

        // Open the edit account modal:
        this.editAccount = function(id, label, address) {
            vm.dash.modal = true;
            Accounts.modalEditAccount(vm.dash, id, label, address);

        vm.dash.updateAccount = function(i) {
            // Call Update method from Accounts factory
            Accounts.update(i, $scope.new_label, $scope.new_address);

    // Accounts factory (open edit model, get all, update, remove):
    .factory('Accounts', ['$http', '$resource', function($http, $resource) {

        var accountsFactory = {};

        accountsFactory.modalEditAccount = function(vm, id, label, address) {
            vm.modal_edit_account = true;
            vm.acct_id = id;
            vm.acct_label = label;
            vm.acct_address = address;
            vm.save_btn_text = 'save';

        // Get all the accounts
        accountsFactory.all = function() {
            return $http.get('/api/stuff');

        // Updates an account
        accountsFactory.update = function(id) {
            return $http.put('/api/accounts/'+id);

        // Delete account
        accountsFactory.remove = function(id) {
            return $http.delete('/api/accounts/'+id);

        return accountsFactory;




vm.dash.updateAccount = function(i) {
    // Call Update method from Accounts factory
    Accounts.update(i, $scope.new_label, $scope.new_address);

接下来在我的 Accounts 工厂里,这里是 PUT/UPDATE 方法:

// Updates an account
accountsFactory.update = function(id) {
    return $http.put('/api/accounts/'+id);

// ^ call is to "/api/accounts/acct-1"

然后我的 Express API 更新路线:

// Dashboard API to update account
app.post('/api/accounts/:id', accountsController.update);

最后我的 accounts-controller.j 在服务器上:

module.exports = {
    create: function(req, res) {

    update: function(req, res) {

关于我为什么收到 404 的任何想法?
PUT http://localhost:9999/api/accounts/acct-2 404 (Not Found)

你有app.post('/api/accounts/:id', accountsController.update);
